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What are compound words?

Average: 2.6 (422 votes)

Joining two or more small words togther to make a new larger one is how compound words are made.

Three types of compound word

When compound words have spaces between them they are called open compound nouns: child care, work day, and time saver.

When compound words are joined with no space they are called closed compound words: skateboard, football and airport.

What are crutch words?

Average: 3.6 (60 votes)

A crutch is a stick you put under your arm to help you walk if you have injured your leg. Basically, a crutch is something you use for support, but you don't have to have had an injury to use a crutch word.

When we want to give ourselves more time to think or to emphasize a point, we use use crutch words; they support us when we are speaking.

Well or Good?

Average: 2.5 (1202 votes)

What's the difference between well and good?

Basically, use good to describe a thing and use well to describe an activity.

Good is an adjective

Use good to describe a noun.

You smell good. I like your perfume.
(good describes the noun you)

This is a good song.

What a good boy.

You speak good English.

Well is an adverb

Winter Holidays in London

Average: 3.3 (98 votes)

For a great cultural experience, you should try London in the holiday season.

What to do

Visit Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park for instant Christmas spirit. Expect winter markets, fairground rides, ice skating and grottos.

Christmas light displays and decorations make London shine over the holiday season. The world-famous Christmas lights of Oxford Street and huge Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square must be seen.

In the news: an emoji wins word of the year!

Average: 3.2 (67 votes)

Every year The Oxford English Dictionary announces its Word of the Year. The word need not have been coined within the past twelve months but it does need to have become prominent or notable during that time. The chosen word is considered the most important word or expression during the specific year.

Brush off/aside/up/with

Average: 1.6 (4582 votes)

You may know about brushing your hair with a brush or that you brush the dirt off a seat before you sit down, but do you know these other brush words?

Brush with

A brief encounter with something notable or unpleasant is a brush with. It's used for situations in which you experience or nearly experience something.

Being interviewed by a local TV station was my only brush with fame.

If for example you nearly die, you have a brush with death.

Idiom: In a state

Average: 3.5 (192 votes)

In a state, particularly in British English, is used informally for a couple of situations.

When someone becomes nervous or upset, they are in a state:

Nervous: She gets herself into a real state worrying about her exams.

Upset: James has been in a terrible state since his girlfriend broke up with him.

State is also used casually to describe something that is messy, untidy or chaotic.

Un Prefix

Average: 3.4 (306 votes)

Un is a prefix meaning not. It's used to give opposite and negative meanings to adjectives, adverbs and nouns.

10 Common Un- Prefixes


Root word: Able.

Meaning: To not be able to do something.

Example: She's unable to attend tomorrow's meeting.


Root word: Aware.

Meaning: To not know something.

Example: I was unaware the plans had changed.


Root word: Beat.

In the news: books you can drink!

Average: 3.3 (113 votes)

They say that reading is good for you, but did you know that it can also _1_ your life?

The Drinkable Book is a new _2_ that is both a water filter and an instruction manual for how and why to clean drinking water.

In developing countries, access to clean water is _3_. According to the World Health Organization, more than 3.4 million people _4_ each year from water, sanitation, and hygiene related causes. Nearly 100% of deaths occur in the developing world.

What does No-brainer mean?

Average: 3.1 (77 votes)

Two news articles caught my eye (attracted my attention) today:

Washington Post Headline
Why accepting the Iran nuclear deal is a no-brainer

The Guardian Headline
Harry Kewell says joining Watford to coach their Under-21s 'was a no-brainer'

What does no-brainer mean?

When something requires little or no thought, it is a no-brainer. It's an easy decision or choice to make.

No-brainer is a noun, the plural form is no-brainers.