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In the news: a new flag for New Zealand

Average: 1.9 (206 votes)

The people of New Zealand are being given the chance to choose the design of a new flag. The Flag Consideration Project set up a website for people to design and upload ideas for a new national flag.

What are proper adjectives?

Average: 1.8 (804 votes)
In English most nouns are common nouns: house, car, grass, and dentist.

Other types of nouns are proper nouns (or real nouns).

Real nouns start with a capital letter: Spain, Brad, and Pizza Hut.

What are proper adjectives?

This is the same with adjectives.

Most adjectives are common adjectives: slow, modern, red, and exciting.

Proper adjectives start with a capital letter: Spanish, Martian, and Russian.

Proper adjectives are usually derived (formed) from proper nouns.

Spain = Spanish

Mars = Martian

10 sentences, 10 mistakes! But can you find them all?

Average: 3.5 (361 votes)

Below are ten sentences. Each sentence has one mistake. Only choose one option per sentence.

Use the comments area to explain what the mistakes are, why they are mistakes and what the correct sentence should be!

Which question is the most difficult? We think number nine!

What are minimal pairs?

Average: 2.9 (205 votes)

A minimal pair or close pair consists of two words with sounds that are very similar but have different meanings.

For example, rot and lot may sound similar, especially to some non-native English speakers.

Below are ten other examples of minimal pairs, in the each sentence choose the correct word. Try saying the words out aloud, do you notice how similar they sound?

8 Parts of Speech

Average: 4.2 (216 votes)

The eight parts of speech are:


Play, run, taste, push


Car, flower, bottle, map


I, ours, her, they, it


quickly, never, today, away


American, green, tall, modern


During, in, under, with


And, but, or, yet

Friendship Expressions

Average: 3.6 (127 votes)

We make friends when we become friendly with new people.

She made friends easily at her new school.

We became friends after meeting at a party.

Hit it off

When you hit it off with someone you have a good friendly relationship. It is used to describe meeting someone for the first time.

We hit it off straight away.

I went on a date with Frank's brother last night but we didn't hit it off. I don't think we will go out again.

In the news: Cuban Embassy in Washington

Average: 3.2 (25 votes)

The Cuban flag was raised at its embassy in Washington for the first time since 1961, at the same time the United States reopened its embassy in Havana.

The developments symbolise a major step toward America's goal of ending longstanding tensions with Cuba.

Am, Are and Is

Average: 3.8 (458 votes)

English verbs have different forms in the simple present tense depending on the number and person of the subject. It is important that the verb and the subject agree. For the verb be these are:

Singular Present

I am 1st person

You are 2nd person

He is / she is / it is 3rd person

Singular Past

I was 1st person

You were 2nd person

Women's World Cup

Average: 3.5 (29 votes)

The U.S. Women's National Soccer Team _1_ winning the Women's World Cup on Sunday in Vancouver. The United States _2_ Japan with a final score of 5-2.

Twerk in the English dictionary

Average: 3.1 (53 votes)

Read this article and decide if the statements which follow it are true or false:

The Oxford English Dictionary has confirmed that 500 words are being added to the Oxford English Dictionary.

The dictionary records the meaning and development of the English language. For a word to qualify, it must have been have been in popular use for at least 10 years in both novels and newspapers.

Some of the terms in Oxford's latest update are much older than you might think.