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Parts of a car

Average: 1.7 (682 votes)

Take a look at the following pictures. All of these are of parts of a car. Match the picture (using the letters) to their correct names.

These are the key words you need:

handbrake / gear stick / boot / seatbelt / tyres / windscreen / bonnet / clutch / indicator / steering wheel / accelerator



How to talk about movies

Average: 3.4 (40 votes)

Read the following piece and choose the key word that best matches the definition:

A pair of...

Average: 3.4 (83 votes)

'A pair of...?'

A pair of is used with two things that look the same, are the same size and are meant to be used together.

A pair of shoes
A pair of pajamas
A pair of gloves

We also use a pair of for something that is made of two items joined together

British or American English?

Average: 3.2 (45 votes)

Do you know any differences between American and British English? You can test your knowledge here!

Read the following sentences and decide if they use British or American English:

Find out why. Click here!


How to use Play, Do and Go

Average: 3.4 (269 votes)

'Do yoga? Play yoga? Go yoga?'

We use the verbs play, do and go with sports and activities. Here is the information you need to know to use them correctly:


Play is used with ball sports or competitive games where we play against another person:

How to talk about health problems

Average: 3.3 (177 votes)

In life one of the most important things you can do is to look after your health. When we have a health problem we can go and see a doctor. Here we take a look at the English you need to discuss bad health.

In the news: politics vocabulary

Average: 3.1 (63 votes)

'How do you know when a politician is lying? His lips move!'

'The first rule of politics: If you lie, don't get caught!'

'You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.' Abraham Lincoln


Average: 2.7 (39 votes)

'A phobia of high places.'

The word phobia means 'fear' or 'dislike'. Like many medical words used in English it comes from Greek. Phobos was the Greek god of fear. Today his name is used to show a fear.

In English we can say:
'I have a fear of high places.'


Choose the antonym

Average: 3.1 (39 votes)

In this exercise you must find the antonyms of the the key words. An antonym is an opposite word (a synonym is a word that has the same meaning). Take a look at the following words and then choose the words which have the opposite meaning. Only choose one antonym for each question.

For example, big is the antonym of small.


Describing graphs

Average: 3.6 (193 votes)

In the English-speaking business world you may have to discuss the information on graphs. Here we take a look at some of the vocabulary we use to describe graph trends.