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Education vocabulary

Average: 3.8 (25 votes)

How many words can you find?

Average: 3.4 (2291 votes)





Link: What are state verbs?

How to use 'take'

Average: 1.6 (647 votes)

'Take a chance'

Let's take a look at the word take. This words is used in many collocations. To help you to learn English it is important for you to know about collocations. Here are some basic sentences using take. Complete the sentences with the correct word from the list below:

Time idioms

Average: 3.7 (106 votes)

Time is a precious. Most of us don't have enough of it and wish we had more. There are lots of English expressions using time. Here are 20 of them and what they mean. Check them out, there's no time to lose:

on time

to be on time means not to be late. You arrive at the right time.

Reading an email and questions

Average: 3.5 (24 votes)

Read this email from Samantha about her first day in work and answer the questions:

Hey Jo,

Giving advice

Average: 3.4 (179 votes)

Here are some ways which we can give give advice or make recommendations:

For example, imagine that your friend is worried that she is getting fat. She asks you for some advice. You can respond using the following phrases:

Have something done

Average: 2.3 (663 votes)

Take a look at these two sentences. What is the difference in meaning between them?

'I cut my hair.'
'I have my hair cut.'

'I cut my hair' means that I do it myself.
'I have my hair cut means someone cuts my hair for me (in this case it's probably a hairdresser).

We use have something done to mean another person does a service for us.

Things you use in an office

Average: 3.3 (15 votes)

Here are 13 items that you probably see every day in your office. Do you know the English names for them? Let's find out.

Match the 13 words to the pictures below:

drawing pin / file / sellotape / calculator / rubber / stapler / hole punch / glue / paper clip / scissors / ruler / photocopier / paper cutter 




In the news: natural disasters

Average: 3.8 (62 votes)

Mother nature can be a bit scary at times. When she is angry she can use her amazing powers to create destruction and chaos on our little planet. These days there seem to be more and more occurrences of natural disasters happening around the world.

Let's take a look at the names of the natural disasters that we can see on the news:


Business English: Buying and Selling Vocab

Average: 3.8 (19 votes)

Here we take a look at some of the specific English used in buying and selling. These are terms that are important to both customers and sellers:

cash on delivery

Cash on delivery (British) or 'collect on delivery' (American) means that you pay for something when it is delivered to you.