Do you know any differences between American and British English? You can test your knowledge here!
Read the following sentences and decide if they use British or American English:
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Link: 10 British English WordsClose
- Store is used in AmE (American English). Shop is used in BrE (British English)
- Highway is AmE. Motorway is BrE.
- Trousers is BrE. Pants is AmE
- This is a spelling difference. 'Neighbourhood' is BrE. 'Neighborhood (without a u is AmE). Another example is 'colour.'
- The preposition at is used with 'the weekend' in BrE. AmE is 'on the weekend'.
- The preposition on is used with 'a team' in AmE. BrE is 'in a team'.
- Boot is BrE. Trunk is AmE.
- A spelling difference: 'recognize' -ize is AmE. -ise is BrE. Another example is 'organize / organise'.
- In AmE the definite article is not always needed, in BrE it is: My young brother can't tell the time.
- In AmE the sport is called soccer. In BrE it is called football. British men hate it being called soccer, so be careful!! :)
- 1. I want to go to the store before it closes.