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Find the mistakes in these sentences

Average: 3.8 (47 votes)

Ten sentences for you today. Each sentence has one mistake in it.

Can you find all ten mistakes?

The correct answers are below the sentences.

Do you love movies?

Average: 3.4 (14 votes)

Movie Buff: A person who knows a lot about movies.

Are you a movie buff? Do you know any interesting facts about movies?

I've been surfing the web, finding out some fascinating film trivia and facts about the (sometimes) glamorous world of movies!

Read through the facts and then try and put the vocabulary in the correct gaps. Break a leg!

Commonly confused words

Average: 3.1 (15 votes)

This is a lesson that focuses on pairs of words that can often be confused.

Sometimes we confuse them because they sound the same, or sometimes we confuse them because they have similar meanings.

In each sentence try and choose which word is correct.

Say the sentences out loud as you read them, this may help you to choose the correct word.

Good luck!

Lesson by Caroline

Spelling Practice

Average: 3.4 (17 votes)

It is difficult to create writing exercises for students on a website, but this one has a writing focus, as it is all about spelling.

In each sentence, one word is spelt incorrectly.

Read each sentence and then rewrite the word correctly.

Lesson by Caroline Devane

Doing Volunteer Work Abroad

Average: 4.6 (27 votes)

What does volunteer mean?

a volunteer: (noun) a person who does something, usually helping other people, because they want to. They are not paid to do it. Volunteer can also be used as an adjective, "I'm a volunteer hospital worker. I help out at the hospital on weekends."

to volunteer: (verb) to offer to help or do something.

Adjectives -ed or -ing

Average: 2.3 (500 votes)

Quick review of adjectives ending -ing and -ed.

Compare these two sentences:

"English grammar is confusing."
"I was confused by what I read."

-ing for descriptions

We use -ing adjectives to describe things. "It is boring."

In the News - Adoption

Average: 4.1 (21 votes)

There are new guidelines in the U.K. regarding adoption. Now, parents should be able to adopt a child of a different race to their own.

Adoption: (noun) the act of legally taking a child to be looked after as your own. Verb: adopt.

Officially, this has always been the policy, but has rarely happened, as efforts are made to place children with backgrounds 'similar' to their own.

Idiom: Once in a blue moon

Average: 3.9 (163 votes)


When we say that something happens once in a blue moon, what we mean is that it happens very rarely.

History of expression:

The 'moon' in this expression does, in fact, refer to the real moon when it is full.

There are generally three full moons in a season, although sometimes there may be four.

What do you do on Sunday?

Average: 1.9 (301 votes)

Phrasal Verbs Reading

The following text contains 10 highlighted phrasal verbs. Your task is to match them to the correct definitions.

During the week I always have to get up early for work so on Sunday I love to wake up late, usually around 9am and then get up 30 minutes later.

What do you do on Sunday?

Average: 1.5 (2 votes)

Phrasal Verbs Reading

The following text contains 10 highlighted phrasal verbs. Your task is to match them to the correct definitions.

During the week I always have to get up early for work so on Sunday I love to wake up late, usually around 9am and then get up 30 minutes later.