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Going on holiday - A letter from Caroline - elementary reading

Average: 3 (15 votes)

Here's a short letter from me about my upcoming holiday to Tenerife! I've removed some of the vacation related vocabulary. Read through the letter and try and fit the words in the correct gaps.

Key Words


Everyday Prepositions for Busy People

Average: 3.4 (26 votes)

Prepositions - small words that cause English learners big problems!

With so many prepositions to choose from, here are some very common examples we use all the time.

Choose the correct preposition in these ten sentences.

Idioms from Shakespeare

Average: 3.2 (84 votes)

Finding the origins of words and sayings can be really fascinating.

All these idioms were invented by William Shakespeare and used in his famous plays. These are all used in everyday English; they are very well known.

Can you match each idiom to the correct sentence?

When see if you can write some of your own sentences with them.
Lesson by Caroline

Words with More Than One Meaning

Average: 2.9 (212 votes)

Elementary to Pre-Intermediate

Many English words have more than one meaning. If you only know one meaning, it is easy to get confused!

For example: Sweet.

Play Do Go - Sports Verbs

Average: 3.5 (71 votes)

A common topic of conversation is the sports people enjoy playing and watching – so it's important to know which verb to use!

When we discuss sport there are three verbs that we use: play, go and do.

For example:

"I play table-tennis."
"I go fishing. "
"I do yoga."

Review Simple Present Tense

Average: 2.9 (34 votes)

The Present Simple is learned when we first begin to study English and is used all the time.

Remember that for I/you/we/they the verb doesn't change but for he/she/it you add an s on the end!

For example:

"I buy a newspaper every Sunday."
"Sally buys a newspaper every Sunday."

Simple Present Tense Negative

Average: 3.4 (349 votes)

The Present Simple is learned when we first begin to study English and is used all the time.

It is important to know how to make negative sentences in the Present Simple.

For example:

Positive: Jack eats ice-cream every day.
Negative: Jack doesn’t eat ice-cream every day.

Try to make these sentences negative:

Do Make Take Have

Average: 3.4 (28 votes)

Collocations are words that go together. For example:

"In this class everyone must do their homework".

Do and homework go together. In the following sentences can you decide what the correct collocation is? You have four choices:


Upper Intermediate Reading Comprehension

Average: 3.8 (22 votes)

Lots of EC students are learning English to improve their prospects at work. This article looks at how you can climb up the employment ladder and increase your opportunities. Read through the article then answer the true or false questions below.

I have also given you some key vocabulary to help your understanding.

Lesson by Caroline Devane

Bristol English Language School

Average: 2.9 (15 votes)

Last week EC opened a new English language centre: EC Bristol English school.

To celebrate he's a lesson on the English city of Bristol.

Take a look at these ten sentences related to the school and city.

Choose the correct missing word in each case.