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How to use Even

Average: 4.5 (25 votes)

When a statement needs to be made stronger it is often followed by an example with 'even'. 'Even' adds surprise or shock, or excitement to the example.

He could be anything he wanted. He could even become the chairman of a corporation.
She loses everything. She's even lost her credit cards more than once.
I've seen all his films, even the ones that didn't do so well.

Also Too Either

Average: 4.1 (68 votes)

Here is an explanation of the use of also, too, and either which can cause some confusion as to their functions and position in a sentence.


Also is used in positive sentences to add something which agrees with the previous item/clause.
Marco speaks Italian. Peter also speaks Italian.
I love Japanese food and I also like Indian cuisine.
Sarah is also coming to the station to see James off.


Average: 3.6 (37 votes)

The Subjunctive is used to emphasise urgency or importance. The Subjunctive form is used with the simple form of the verb i.e. the infinitive without 'to'; to go is 'go'. The Subjunctive is only used with certain verbs and in certain forms.

The Subjunctive is used with certain expressions:

I suggest that he go.
It is essential that we be there.
It was recommended that he make the speech.

Might and May (Modals)

Average: 3.5 (78 votes)

'Might' is used mostly to express possibility. English speakers use 'might' to make suggestions or requests, although this is more common in British English and could be seen as extremely formal.
'Might' is also used in conditional sentences.

Should (Modals)

Average: 3.6 (31 votes)

Should is used to give advice and to make recommendations. It is also used to express obligation and expectation.

Recommendation: When you go to London, you should go to the theatre.
Advice: You should try to focus more on your writing skills. Advice
Obligation: I should be going now. It's getting late.
Expectation: You should have understood the text by now.

Have to and Must (Modals)

Average: 3.4 (34 votes)

Have to and must are being looked at together because of the inter-changeability when used for certain functions and the confusion caused when they cannot be interchanged for others.

Have to

'Have to' is used to express certainty, necessity, and obligation.
This has to be the right place. We are not lost. Certainty
The glue has to be left to dry for 24 hours. Necessity
I have to leave early. Obligation

Could (Modals)

Average: 3.4 (83 votes)

'Could' is used to express: possibility, past ability, and to make suggestions and requests. 'Could' is also used in conditional sentences as the conditional form of 'can'.

Can (Modals)

Average: 3.6 (127 votes)

The modal 'can' is a commonly used modal verb in English. It is used to express; ability, opportunity, a request, to grant permission, to show possibility or impossibility. It is this large amount of functions and the fact that ‘can’ is replaced by other modals when it is used to express future or past time that often lead to certain errors.

Here are some examples of 'can':

So and Such

Average: 4.4 (42 votes)

So + adjective

'So' when used with an adjective, shows extreme situations. This form is used mostly in speech:
The music is so loud! Why don’t they turn it down?
The hotel was so good. It was worth every cent.

Quick Past Perfect Tense Review

Average: 3.9 (12 votes)

We use the past perfect to show that an action happened before another action in the past. It can also show that an action happened before a specific time in the past.

When we arrived at the station, the train had already left.
Had Carol studied Russian before she moved to Russia?

We form the past perfect with: had/hadn’t + past participle
+ She had seen the film before.
-   She had not seen the film before.