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Average: 4.2 (44 votes)

A conjunction joins words or groups of words in a sentence.

There are three types of conjunctions, today we look at two, coordinating and correlative.

1 Coordinating conjunctions – these connect words, phrases or clauses that are independent or equal; and, but, so, for, yet, not.

2 Correlative conjunctions – these are always used in pairs; both/and, either/or, neither/nor, not only/but also

With, Over, By

Average: 4.1 (59 votes)

'With' is used to mean 'together' or to show involvement
I was with a friend when I met Sandy.
He worked with his brother in their restaurant.
He ordered champagne with his meal.
Why don't you come shopping with me?

Capital letters

Average: 4 (21 votes)

The use of Capital letters helps readers read a text without confusion.

Here are the rules for capital letters. Use a capital letter in the following:

The first word in a sentence:
My sister lives in England.

The pronoun 'I':
Summer is the season I like best.

The, a/an

Average: 4 (41 votes)

The words a, an and the are types of adjectives called articles.

A and an are called indefinite articles.
A is used before singular count nouns.
A car, a book, a child, a holiday

An is used with count nouns beginning with a vowel sound.
An apple, an elephant and notice; an hour but a European. ( the 'h' in hour is silent. The 'e' in European is not a vowel sound)

Conjunctive Adverbs

Average: 4.1 (22 votes)

A conjunctive adverb is a word that connects two clauses to make them one sentence. These adverbs make the sentence shorter.
When you use a conjunctive adverb, put a comma (,) after it. You can also use a semicolon (;).

The weather was not very good on our last holiday in Sweden; however, we still had a good time.

These are some conjunctive adverbs: also, besides, consequently, finally, however, indeed, instead, meanwhile, next, still, then etc.

Of, To, For

Average: 4.1 (36 votes)


Of – belonging to, connected with, related to
This is a collection of romantic stories.
I always dreamed of being famous.
He wrote letters of love to me.
This is the best part of the film.

Of – to say what/when/where
I graduated in the autumn of 1999
This is a picture of my son.
He is the owner of the restaurant.

Starter - Infinitives

Average: 4.4 (24 votes)

An infinitive is normally used with the word ‘it’ which is the subject. The structure of this use of an infinitive is 'It is ___________ + infinitive'. 'It' refers to the infinitive. This structure is used in many ways:

It is time to start work.
It is common to think this.
It is nice to see you.
It was a pleasure to meet you.
It is good to see you.
It was great to be with you.

Can Could May Might Must

Average: 3.4 (198 votes)


Can – for ability
I can dance Tango.
She can't sing.
Can you speak English?

Can – for permission
Can I sit here?
Can we leave now?
Can I play some music?

Can – for requests or suggestions
Can we have more coffee?
Can I have the bill?
You can go wherever you like.

Will, Would / Shall, Should

Average: 3.3 (397 votes)

All modal verbs are auxiliary verbs, which means they can only be used with a main verb. Modal verbs cannot be a main verb.
The modal verbs are; will, would, shall, should, can, could, may, might and must. In this module we focus on will and would, and shall and should.


Will is used to show desire, preference, choice or consent:
I will accept your offer.
Will you please be quiet?

Be, do, have

Average: 3.7 (46 votes)

Auxiliary verbs help the main verb and are in fact also referred to as 'helping' verbs. Auxiliary verbs are: be, do and have. Modal verbs are also auxiliary verbs but we are going to focus on be, do and have in this module.

The verbs be, do and have can also be used as main verbs or as auxiliary verbs. Here are examples of be, do and have as main verbs: