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Advanced Level: Present Perfect Tense

Average: 3.7 (52 votes)


The Present Perfect is made with – has/have + past participle

I have read that book.
Have you read that book?
I have not read that book.


Advanced Level: Past Continuous Tense

Average: 3.5 (59 votes)


Was/were + present participle

You were reading when I walked in.
Were you studying when I called you?
You were not working when I called you.

The Past Continuous has 4 main uses/functions:

Common Irregular Verbs List

Average: 3.5 (28 votes)

Here is a list of the most common irregular verbs. This list is by no means the complete list of irregular verbs in English but the most regularly used.

Advanced Level: Present Continuous

Average: 3 (116 votes)

The functions of the Present Continuous can be divided into four but the form is the same:

...am/is/are + present participle (i.e. -ing)
You are reading 'War and Peace'.
Are you reading 'War and Peace'?
You are not reading 'War and Peace'.

Use 1 – NOW

We use the present continuous with verbs that express actions to express the idea that something is happening now, at the very moment of speaking.

Advanced Level: Present Perfect Continuous

Average: 4.2 (17 votes)

The Present Perfect Continuous is formed with – has/have + been+ present participle

You have been waiting long.
Have you been waiting long?
You have not been waiting long.

Advanced Level: Present Simple Tense Review

Average: 3.8 (40 votes)

The Present Simple has four main functions (uses). With regard to its form, remember that in the third person singular 's/es' is added to the verb.
I speak English. / He speaks English.

Question forms with the Present Simple need the auxiliary 'do', as do short replies:
Do you speak English? / Does he speak English?
Yes, I do. / Yes, he does?
No, I don't / No, he doesn't?

Advanced Level: Past Simple

Average: 3.8 (34 votes)

There are several uses (functions) of the Past Simple:

1 Past Simple for completed actions in the past

Use the Past Simple (VERB+ed or irregular verbs) to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in the past. It is not necessary to mention the specific time but it is implied in the verb form.

Advanced Level: Past Conditionals real and unreal

Average: 3.8 (40 votes)

The Past Real Conditional describes what you used to do in particular real-life situations. It suggests that your habits have changed and you do not usually do these things today.

If I went out with my friends, I usually spent the whole night out. I can’t do that anymore.
When I had time off, I always travelled. Now I’m too busy.
When he was younger, he walked everywhere. Now he uses his car.
I had more time for my hobbies when I was younger.

Advanced Level: Future Unreal Conditional

Average: 3.2 (28 votes)

There are different forms of the future unreal conditional.

Form 1

If ... Past Simple ..., ...would + verb - ...would + verb... if ... Simple Past
( this form looks the same as the present unreal conditional)

Lesson by Tristan, teacher at EC Malta English school

How to talk about future situations

Average: 3.5 (32 votes)

Future Real Conditional

The future real conditional describes what the speaker will do in a specific situation in the future. Although we do not know what will happen in the future the future real conditional is called 'real' because it refers to a possible action that could occur.

Lesson by Tristan, teacher at EC Malta English school