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Adverbs of Manner

Average: 3.4 (324 votes)

Adverbs of Manner add more information to verbs to make them more specific. For example “He ran” doesn’t say much about how he ran. If you add an adverb it will solve this problem: “He ran quickly” gives us more information and sounds better.

Adverbs of Manner always come after a verb and can be used with words like very or too. Adverbs of Manner are adjectives that almost always end with –ly, though some are also irregular.

Too much or too many?

Average: 3.6 (184 votes)

Important tip: much is always used together with an uncountable noun (like 'oil' or 'water') while many is always used with nouns that are countable (like 'table' or 'computer')

It's also good to know that 'too' means that you don't like the situation, for example, "There is too much food on my plate" means that you're not happy about it.

Infinitive Patterns

Average: 3.7 (29 votes)

We already know that some words are followed by the gerund and some by the infinitive, but it gets even more confusing when we have to remember whether the sentence needs the full infinitive with 'to' or not. Here's a test to help you remember. When you've finished, can you use the correct answers to make a list of which words are followed by the full infinitive and which are not? This is quite a complicated exercise so I would be interested to hear your thoughts on it. Let me know if you would like an explanation of the rules covered in this test.

Present Simple - Beginner Level

Average: 3.8 (170 votes)

Present simple is mostly used for our routines and can be a little confusing. The biggest mistake that students make with this grammar point is using it correctly with the pronouns he/she/itLet me explain:

He / she / it + present simple + 's' or 'es'

Your English Questions

Average: 3.2 (13 votes)

Every month we ask our newsletter readers to send their English-language questions to EC Brighton's teacher, Tim. Here are the best questions of the month.

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Present perfect or past simple?

Average: 3 (91 votes)

This lesson was requested by khoukha and is a quick review of how we use the present perfect and the past simple.

Past Simple

We use this tense for things that happened at a definite time in the past.
E.g. "I met my best friend when I was fifteen."
It is formed by adding '-ed' to regular verbs.

Read Caroline's Letter

Average: 2.4 (27 votes)

I thought I'd write another letter to you guys to get you practising your grammar. This is quite a difficult lesson. There are some verbs missing in the text. Can you put them in the correct tense? I’d love to hear back from you all.

Me and my friend Philippa at Thorpe Park, feeling frightened!

Personal Pronouns

Average: 3.6 (33 votes)

Personal pronouns are the words we use when it is clear who, or what, is being talked about. For example:

"Caroline is going to America tomorrow, she is so excited!"

In this case the personal pronoun is 'she' and refers to Caroline.

The personal pronouns for people are:

Noun with preposition

Average: 3.6 (44 votes)

Some nouns are followed by specific prepositions. For example the noun relationship is always followed by with.
E.g. "She has a really good relationship with her mother."

In the following sentences, can you decide which preposition we need to use? Good luck!

Lesson by Caroline

Linking Words

Average: 3.5 (160 votes)