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Adverbs of Manner

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Adverbs of Manner add more information to verbs to make them more specific. For example “He ran” doesn’t say much about how he ran. If you add an adverb it will solve this problem: “He ran quickly” gives us more information and sounds better.

Adverbs of Manner always come after a verb and can be used with words like very or too. Adverbs of Manner are adjectives that almost always end with –ly, though some are also irregular.

Lesson by Seb, teacher at EC Cape Town English school

Link: How to use adjectives and adverbs

  • 1. When my teacher talks too ___, it's difficult to understand him.

  • 2. I always study ___ for a big test.

  • 3. My dad used to shout ___ when he was angry.

  • 4. Please try to behave ___ when you meet my family.

  • 5. She did ___ in her tennis match last week. She won.

  • 6. Please close the door ___ when you enter my room.

  • 7. I'm sitting ___ so I don't want to move.

  • 8. My husband sings ___ when he's in the shower. Even the neighbours can hear him.

  • 9. She laughs ___ at my jokes.

  • 10. Sometimes I need my teacher to talk more ___ so I can hear her better.