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Five ways to help make the world a better place

Average: 4.8 (18 votes)

You don't have to quit work and build a whole new environmentally friendly house to help the planet. There are lots of little things you can do that make a big difference. Read through the five ideas below that aim to help make the world a better place and complete the gaps with the correct vocabulary as you go. I hope it inspires you to make a change. Can you add any other things we should all aim to do to the list? Thanks in advance for your ideas!

The Ant and the Dove

Average: 3.3 (44 votes)

Aesop's fables are a collection of fables believed to have been written by the Greek storyteller Aesop. Aesop lived over 2000 and his many fables are known throughout the world.

The main characters in these stories, and in all fables, are animals they teach us a moral lesson.

Danny's Reading: Facebook

Average: 5 (15 votes)

This week finds me a little disgruntled.

'Disgruntled' is a word that I like. It means irritated, or grumpy, or sullen. What I like about it is the way it sounds...you can tell people that you're feeling disgruntled and they immediately know that you're not particularly happy even if they don't know the meaning of the word. It's a good word and I like it. Using it, however, does not make me feel any less disgruntled. Or irritated. Or grumpy.

Idiom of the Month: Wires Crossed

Average: 3.7 (43 votes)

wires crossed idiom

When people get their wires crossed, they have a different understanding of the same situation. They get confused, mixed up or make a mistake.

An electrician is a person whose job is to put in, check or repair electrical wires and equipment.

Idiom of the Day: Crossing the Rubicon

Average: 3.5 (27 votes)


When we made a difficult decision from where there is no way back, we say we cross the Rubicon. Basically crossing the Rubicon means the point of no return.

Collocations: Go, Save and Come

Average: 4.3 (22 votes)

In English we do homework not make homework and we make breakfast not do breakfast. These examples are collocations, groups of words that go together. Other examples of collocations are:

Save time

Go shopping

Come to a decision

Healthy Eating

Average: 4.4 (18 votes)

Did you know that having the right kind of diet can help us to avoid getting sick? Read the article below and then answer the true or false questions. Do you have any other tips to help us keep healthy during the cold weather? Good luck!

Music Video: Skyfall – Adele

Average: 3.6 (73 votes)

The famous English double agent, James Bond, has been in the news a lot this year.

Not only did the new film receive positive reviews, it is also fifty years since the first one came to the screen. This song is the official theme for the new film.

Read through the lyrics and try to guess which word completes the gap. Then listen to the song and check your answers. Enjoy!

Lesson by Caroline

When to use -able and -ible?

Average: 4.6 (678 votes)

This lesson tests both your vocabulary and your spelling. All the stems (the starts of words) below can have '-able' or '-ible' added to them. Can you decide whether they need able or ible? Once you have decided, try to match the word to the correct sentence. Good luck and let us know how you get on.

Talking about Weather - part 3

Average: 4.5 (11 votes)

Here's the third instalment of our weather words trilogy! Part two was earlier this month if you need to catch up.

Snowed in -  there is so much snow that it's impossible to leave or travel anywhere.

Flood out -  overflowing of water onto land that is normally dry.