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Then or Than?

Average: 4.1 (30 votes)

It might be because the words are pronounced similarly that then and than are often confused by English learners. Let's take a look at the difference.


Then is used either as a time expression, as a consequence or with a sequence of events.

Then Examples:

As a time expression - Sorry I missed your call last night, I was already sleeping then.

Do or Does?

Average: 3.5 (1127 votes)

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Do and does are used when we want to ask yes/no questions.

We use do or does depending on the subject. Below are two sentences with two different subjects, she and you.

Does she like sport? Yes, she does.

Bring or Take?

Average: 3.9 (69 votes)

English learners get confused about when to use bring and take. It is important to know that they do NOT have the same meaning.

To show you how confusing it can be, take a look at these two sentences, both of them are correct:

Relative Clauses

Average: 3.6 (53 votes)

Relative clauses are used to give extra information about something in a sentence.

There are two types of relative clauses, defining and non-defining.

Defining Relative Clauses

A defining relative clause gives information about the noun it modifies.

The boy who lives next door loves tennis.


Average: 3.8 (44 votes)

"My father taught me how to sail a boat."

"There's a great sale on in the department store."

Sail and sale have the same pronunciation although they are spelled in different ways – and have different meanings.

Can you find these mistakes?

Average: 3.3 (30 votes)

Read through these ten sentences. Each sentence has one mistake. Find the mistakes, tell us why they are mistakes and what should the correct sentence be? Write your answers in the comments area.

You can see  the answers by clicking Show Answers below.

Personal Pronouns

Average: 3.6 (90 votes)

A pronoun is a word or form that we can use instead of a noun or noun phrase.

Personal pronouns are used to represent the number of people (I/we), gender (he/she), person (I/you) and case (we/us).

There are two types of personal pronouns: subject and object.

Subject pronouns

Pronouns that are the subject of the sentence are called subject pronouns. These are

In the News: Lance Armstrong

Average: 4.4 (25 votes)

The world's media has been captivated by Oprah Winfrey's recent interview with _1_ cyclist Lance Armstrong. Watched by tens of millions, In his first interview since he was stripped of his Tour de France titles, Armstrong admitted using _2_ drugs or blood transfusions during all seven of his victories.

For or Since?

Average: 4 (151 votes)

How would you answer this question?

"How long have you been learning English?"

"I have been learning English for ___."
"I have been learning English since ___."

For and since can be used when talking about time in present perfect sentences (for can be used with all tenses).

Been or Gone?

Average: 1.1 (14786 votes)

With the present perfect tense we can use both been and gone.

Been is the past participle of be.

Gone is the past participle of go.