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Why do we say 'Veg Out'

Average: 4.1 (16 votes)

'After a busy day it's good to veg out on the sofa.'

Meaning: to relax in a lazy and inattentive way. Basically, we are 'vegging out' when we sit on the sofa for a long time doing nothing and hardly moving.

How to 'Let people know you find something annoying'

Average: 3.1 (27 votes)

What makes you angry? What do you find annoying? Here's how to tell people you find something annoying. Thanks to Danny for writing this article!


Pick Up

Average: 3.9 (36 votes)

Let’s take a look at the phrasal verb ‘pick up’. In this cartoon it has two meanings:

1) Pick up – to lift an object with the hands

'Keep your back straight when you pick the TV up.'

2) Pick up – learn something without effort

'It's possible to pick up enough English in two weeks to get by on your trip to London.'

Why do we say 'The Real McCoy'?

Average: 3.2 (13 votes)


'This fighter is great. He's the real McCoy, no doubt about it.'

Meaning: the real thing – not a substitute/ fake. Another 'name' based expression, although in this case, nobody seems absolutely sure as to where it originated from.

Why do we say 'Hobson's Choice'?

Average: 4 (11 votes)

'You can have a white horse or a white horse...that's Hobson's choice!'

Meaning: to have no choice at all. The only option you have is the one that is being offered to you.

How to 'correct mistakes made by others'

Average: 3.5 (13 votes)


This weekend I was unfortunate enough to find myself at a party which, to be honest, was not the kind of party that I would normally be seen dead at. Truth be told, the only reason that I went was because my wife wanted me to go. I am, of course, the boss in the family, but only because my wife says it's okay. Anyway...

Why do we say 'Barking up the Wrong Tree'?

Average: 3.6 (15 votes)


Meaning: Following a dead end path; Being totally wrong about something you believed to be true.


When using dogs in a foxhunt, the dogs would sometimes corner the fox in a tree and then proceed to bark up at the fox. Barking up the wrong tree, where there is no fox, is a pointless exercise.

Why do we say 'Bob's your Uncle'?

Average: 3.4 (76 votes)


This expression is  mainly used in Britain. It is often used immediately after a set of simple instructions and roughly means the same as '... and it's as simple as that!'

How to say 'I don't want to'

Average: 3.4 (27 votes)


A couple of weeks ago, I made the mistake of mentioning to a health-nut friend of mine that, with summer well on its way, I might possibly, perhaps, just maybe...

Why do we say 'Beat about the Bush'?

Average: 1.9 (205 votes)


No. Not that Bush.