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Prepositions: in, on, at - Level: beginner/elementary

Average: 3.2 (24 votes)

Here's a basic look at prepositions. Sometimes even high-level English learners can forget which prepositions to use. This will be a good chance to review for some of you.

Complete these sentences using in, on, or at:

When you have finished write your own example sentences today's prepositions.

Question Words - Elementary Level

Average: 2.5 (15 votes)

Question words include what, where, when, why, which, who, whose and how.

Complete the sentences with the correct question words. Some questions need two words.

Did you make any mistakes? Who got 10/10?

Link: Present simple vs Present Continuous - Elementary Level

In the news: Europe's Cold, Cold Winter!

Average: 3.4 (5 votes)

Some of the coldest weather for years has been sweeping across Europe recenty. It has been causing problems for millions all over the continent. Have you been following the reports on English media? Let's see how well you know the language that's being used in the news to cover this story.

Here in Malta we're grateful that we've had none of the snow or cold. In fact, we're having a mild winter!

Wherever you are at the moment, be careful and take care.

Has the cold weather been affecting you? Let us know how the weather is in your part of the world.


Comparative and superlative adjectives - Low-Intermediate

Average: 3.2 (67 votes)

The Comparative

When comparing two objects or activities we often add -er to the adjective + “than”, e.g. higher than.

The Superlative

When comparing one with many the order is: the + adjective + -est, e.g. the highest.

Most / The Most

Your Questions

Average: 1.5 (636 votes)

Every month we ask our newsletter readers to send their English language questions to Tim, a teacher at EC Brighton. Here are this month's questions:

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Star Question

Thanks to Chimeg from Mongolia for the winning question of the month:

Present Continuous Word Scramble

Average: 2.6 (28 votes)

Present Continuous is used to describe an action that’s happening at the moment, but it’s also sometimes used to talk about a future plan.

The form of the Present Continuous is:

Articles and idioms - Elementary

Average: 3.1 (10 votes)

Articles (the;an;a) can often cause a lot of frustration. See how spot-on you are by matching them to these everyday idioms.  How well do you know these idioms. Do you have the same ones in your language?

Only use a, an, the

Submitted by Jozua van der Lugt. Teacher at EC Cape Town English language school

he, she, it → one "s" in the Present Simple

Average: 3.1 (21 votes)

Carefully read through the four choices for each question and choose the sentence with the correct grammar. Good luck!

Today's lesson is from Milli Kubach, EC Cape Town English language school.

 Present Simple and Present Continuous

Do or Make - Which one for household chores?

Average: 3.1 (35 votes)


DO suggests an action of some kind and has a very strong connection with work.  Therefore almost all household chores use the verb “do”.  The exception is "make the beds". 


MAKE gives the idea of constructing something with your hands and creating something that wasn’t there before.  In the home you use “make” with cooking for eg.  make a cup of tea, make a cake, make a sandwich, make supper.

Top 5 Lessons of the Year

Average: 3.5 (4 votes)

Let's take a look at the most popular lessons on https://www.ecenglish.com/learnenglish in 2009. These top five lessons were the most visited over the last 12 months. Time for you to take them too or review them.

Happy New Year everyone! Good luck with your English in 2010 and thanks for coming to our site.