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Which sounds right?

Average: 1.5 (230 votes)

When I lived in South Africa, I was fascinated to discover that when they hurt themselves they don’t say 'ouch', they say 'eina'! It got me thinking about other 'sounds' we make in English and their meanings. So here's a quick fun lesson on some English sounds. Can you decide what the literal meaning of each sound is? I hope you enjoy it!

Lesson by Caroline

Link: What's happening?

Prepositions - Soccer Madness

Average: 3.2 (9 votes)

Use these prepositions to complete the 10 World Cup sentences. Some words can be used more than once.

in front of

Lesson by Amy at EC Cape Town English school.

Adverbs of Manner

Average: 3.4 (325 votes)

Adverbs of Manner add more information to verbs to make them more specific. For example “He ran” doesn’t say much about how he ran. If you add an adverb it will solve this problem: “He ran quickly” gives us more information and sounds better.

Adverbs of Manner always come after a verb and can be used with words like very or too. Adverbs of Manner are adjectives that almost always end with –ly, though some are also irregular.

Crime Vocabulary

Average: 3.1 (16 votes)

Although it's not nice to think about, it's useful to know some vocabulary about crime. Here is a list of crime vocabulary. Check your understanding by inserting the correct word in each gap. To make it even harder, if it is a missing verb, make sure you put it in the correct tense! Can you think of any more vocabulary related to crime?

Too much or too many?

Average: 3.6 (184 votes)

Important tip: much is always used together with an uncountable noun (like 'oil' or 'water') while many is always used with nouns that are countable (like 'table' or 'computer')

It's also good to know that 'too' means that you don't like the situation, for example, "There is too much food on my plate" means that you're not happy about it.

School Subjects

Average: 4 (10 votes)

Here is a vocabulary test with a twist! This test is based on school subjects, but rather than give you a definition of the subject I'm going to give you something that a teacher of this subject might say. Good luck!

School Subjects

Physical education
Maths/ mathematics

What was your favourite school subject? Least favourite?

More Confusing Words

Average: 2.9 (16 votes)

Here's a collection of 5 pairs of words that are troublesome to English learners. How well do you know your these confusing words? Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

Sebastian E’Silva, EC Cape Town English school

Confusing words lessons

Infinitive Patterns

Average: 3.7 (29 votes)

We already know that some words are followed by the gerund and some by the infinitive, but it gets even more confusing when we have to remember whether the sentence needs the full infinitive with 'to' or not. Here's a test to help you remember. When you've finished, can you use the correct answers to make a list of which words are followed by the full infinitive and which are not? This is quite a complicated exercise so I would be interested to hear your thoughts on it. Let me know if you would like an explanation of the rules covered in this test.

Present Simple - Beginner Level

Average: 3.8 (170 votes)

Present simple is mostly used for our routines and can be a little confusing. The biggest mistake that students make with this grammar point is using it correctly with the pronouns he/she/itLet me explain:

He / she / it + present simple + 's' or 'es'

Dream and Sleep Idioms

Average: 3.3 (14 votes)

This is a follow up to yesterday's Beyonce music lesson. Dreaming and sleeping are both extremely important to me! Here is a list of idioms related to the subject. Can you guess which sentence needs which idiom?