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Do you like the beach?

Average: 3.9 (25 votes)

I live in London and lead a very hectic life so sometimes it’s great to get away.

The beaches in England aren't exactly like Hawaii's, but they are beautiful and wonderful to visit and relax.

I'm very lucky that I grew up in a seaside town and can visit my parents when I need some sea air.

Here is some information about some beautiful and special beaches in England. Read through the text and test how well you understand it by putting the vocabulary in the correct gaps.

Why Do We Say 'Make no Bones about It'?

Average: 3.1 (40 votes)

To Make No Bones About Something


To say clearly what you think or feel about something, however unpleasant or awkward it.

To make no bones about something means to say something in a way that leaves no doubt, or to have no objection to it.

Pronunciation - Wonderful Word Stress

Average: 3.7 (15 votes)

Pronunciation and word stress are very important, especially when it comes to communicating effectively with other people.

For example: Interesting has 4 syllables in•ter•est•ing (although it is also sometimes shown as 3).

The emphasis is on the first syllable IN•ter•est•ing.

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Average: 2.6 (477 votes)


Countable nouns have plurals and can be used with a/an.

Potato is a countable noun. You can have a potato and potatoes.


Uncountable nouns have no plurals, and cannot normally be used with a/an.

Sugar is an uncountable noun. You cannot have a sugar or sugars.

Elementary to Pre-Intermediate – Everyday Expressions

Average: 1.6 (223 votes)

When we speak to co-workers, friends or family in a social situation, some common expressions are used again and again.

This is very common for when we say "Hello" and "Good-bye".

When to use Some and Any

Average: 3.7 (30 votes)

The use of some and any is easily confused.

Some means a certain (not large) number of something and is used in positive sentences, and questions when we expect the answer to be yes, such as in requests and offers.

Any is used instead of some in negative sentences, and most questions.

For example:

Pronunciation s/ z / iz

Average: 3.4 (133 votes)

Pronunciation is so important when we are trying to communicate.

Incorrect pronunciation can make a simple word difficult to understand!

Below are three commonly mispronounced sounds.

Put the words below into their correct pronounciation.


/s/ = talks

/z/ = does

/iz/ = loses

What's a Bucket List?

Average: 4.3 (15 votes)

At EC San Deigo English school they recently had a class discussion on Bucket Lists.

A Bucket List is where you write down all of the things you want to do in your life before you die.

The term comes from the slang idiom "to kick the bucket" meaning "to die". 

Idiom of the month: Bring Down

Average: 3.9 (25 votes)

rub it in

Today's joke is based on two meanings of bring down.

Bring down: Make someone depressed, unhappy or exhausted. Get Down can also be used:

"This rainy weather is really bringing me down."

Listening Practice - Listening for information

Average: 3.2 (24 votes)

Listen to EC London student Thomas talk about his time learning English with us. This is a good opportunity to hear a non-native speaker's English accent.

Before you watch the video, take a moment to read through the 7 questions below so that you know what information you are listening for.

Have you been to London or even studied at our school there?

EC London English School