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Confusing Words

Bring or Take?

Average: 3.9 (69 votes)

English learners get confused about when to use bring and take. It is important to know that they do NOT have the same meaning.

To show you how confusing it can be, take a look at these two sentences, both of them are correct:


Average: 3.8 (44 votes)

"My father taught me how to sail a boat."

"There's a great sale on in the department store."

Sail and sale have the same pronunciation although they are spelled in different ways – and have different meanings.

Can you find these mistakes?

Average: 3.3 (30 votes)

Read through these ten sentences. Each sentence has one mistake. Find the mistakes, tell us why they are mistakes and what should the correct sentence be? Write your answers in the comments area.

You can see  the answers by clicking Show Answers below.

For or Since?

Average: 4 (151 votes)

How would you answer this question?

"How long have you been learning English?"

"I have been learning English for ___."
"I have been learning English since ___."

For and since can be used when talking about time in present perfect sentences (for can be used with all tenses).

Been or Gone?

Average: 1.1 (14786 votes)

With the present perfect tense we can use both been and gone.

Been is the past participle of be.

Gone is the past participle of go.

When to use -able and -ible?

Average: 4.6 (678 votes)

This lesson tests both your vocabulary and your spelling. All the stems (the starts of words) below can have '-able' or '-ible' added to them. Can you decide whether they need able or ible? Once you have decided, try to match the word to the correct sentence. Good luck and let us know how you get on.

Call my Bluff

Average: 4.8 (12 votes)

Today we're going to play a little game called Call my Bluff.

In this activity we have chosen ten unusual words. Each word has two descriptions of the word; only one of which is true. You must then guess the true definition.

Ate to Ation

Average: 3.7 (28 votes)

Here is a useful rule for you to remember. Many verbs that end in ate can be changed to nouns by taking away the ate and adding ation. For example, associate becomes association.

To get you familiar with this pattern, try the following quiz. In each sentence, do you need the verb or noun form of the word? Good luck and let us know how you get on.

Will and Going To

Average: 4 (592 votes)

When talking about the future, we can use will..., going to...or the Present Continuous.

Use will to talk facts or things that we believe are true.
"I'm sure you will love learning English in Malta. It's a great place."

Going to is used with predictions.

Much or many?

Average: 1.8 (268 votes)

Do you remember the difference between countable and uncountable nouns? One of the things you need to remember is whether you need to use much or many
when talking about quantities. Much and many mean a lot of. For example:

"We don’t have many apples" is the same as:

"We don’t have a lot of apples".