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Confusing Words

Much or Many?

Average: 3.5 (273 votes)

We use use much and many in questions and negative sentences. They both show an amount of something.

Use 'Much' with uncountable nouns

We use much with singular nouns.

Question: "How much petrol is in the car?"
Negative clause: "We don't have much time left."

How to use Articles

Average: 3.6 (221 votes)

What's wrong with this sentence?

"Boy played in the park."

The problem is that the noun 'boy' (the subjects) cannot be used without an article. We could say, for example, 'The boy', 'A boy' or 'My neighbour's boy'. Generally, the articles a and the are used with nouns.

When to use The

Use the before singular and plural nouns when the noun is specific.

Lonely or Alone?

Average: 4.3 (27 votes)

Let's take a look at a couple of words that are often confused by English learners, alone and lonely.

If you are sitting in a room and there are no other people in the room, you are alone. Alone simply means without other people.

"I used to live with my parents, now I live alone."

Hear or Listen?

Average: 3.6 (24 votes)

A while ago we looked at how to use look, see and watch; today we at two other verbs connected to our senses: hear and listen.


We use hear for sounds that come to us when we are not expecting to hear them, i.e. we are not trying to hear something. We hear something without trying to.

Adjectives and Prepositions

Average: 3.7 (30 votes)

Are you interested in learning more about adjectives but are scared of the prepositions and infintives that go with them? Don't be ashamed of it! If you are bad at prepostions, hopefully we can give you somehing to be exicted about. The prepostions we use with adjectives are similar to many other areas of English - the more you study the easier it becomes!

Adjectives are often followed by infinitives or prepositions when we talk about feelings or how we react to people/things.

Vowel Sounds - When to use A and An

Average: 3.3 (477 votes)

Using an and a does not depend on the spelling of the word it comes before, it depends on the pronunciation of the word. In most cases though, an is used before words that begin with vowels (a, e, i, o u.):

an apple
an elephant
an igloo
an oven
an umbrella

If a word starts with a consonant sound, use a.

a ball
a car
a doll

Irregular Verbs

Average: 3.2 (22 votes)

When we want to form a past tense verb we usually add d or ed to the end.

We add d to verbs that end in a vowel:

Like becomes liked.

we add ed to verbs that end in a consonant:

Walk becomes walked.

Simple isn't it? Well, it should be but it isn't because English has many irregular verbs which refuse to follow this rule!

In, On, At - Prepositions of Place

Average: 3.8 (254 votes)

Generally, we use at, in and on when we talk about the location of things.

What do the prepostions in these three things tell us about the locations?

"Meet Simon at the end of the road."
"You left your glasses in the bathroom."
"Is that a spider on the wall?"

Look, See, Watch

Average: 3.6 (29 votes)

Seelook and watch are all verbs that relate to our eyes, but what's the difference between them? Let's take a look at these words in context:

Look at that bird!

Did you see that bird?

This morning, I watched a bird eating the food I left in my garden.

Then or Than?

Average: 4.1 (30 votes)

It might be because the words are pronounced similarly that then and than are often confused by English learners. Let's take a look at the difference.


Then is used either as a time expression, as a consequence or with a sequence of events.

Then Examples:

As a time expression - Sorry I missed your call last night, I was already sleeping then.