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Confusing Words

General Quiz - Time to review!

Average: 3.1 (21 votes)

Here's a quiz to test your general knowledge of English. If you get any of these questions wrong, let us know which ones and we'll explain the answers. Don't be shy, leave your comments below:

Link: 10 vocabulary questions

Words that show the wrong position

Average: 2.6 (10 votes)

upside-down / wrong-way-up

When something is upside-down or wrong-way-up, the part which is usually at the top is turned to be at the bottom.

 The house is upside down / wrong way up.

wrong-way-round / back-to-front

When something is wrong-way-round or back-to-front it is facing the wrong way.

Learn the difference between confusing words!

Average: 2.4 (20 votes)

Here's a quiz that uses easily confused words. Choose the correct missing word for each sentence.

Word Forms - Can you get them all correct?

Average: 3.7 (32 votes)

To learn English well it's important to review often. Take a look at the sentences and choose the correct form for each. It's all basic stuff...right?

Go! Go! Go!

Link: Choose the correct word form

Bring vs. Take

Average: 3.8 (76 votes)

What's the difference between take and bring?

A lot of English learners have a problem with this. Here's the answer:


We ask people to bring things to the place where we are. Bring is used in relation to a destination:

"Bring some food to the party at my house."

Take this apostrophe quiz!

Average: 3.1 (505 votes)

If there is one thing that English speakers can all agree on, it's our dislike of apostrophes. We often find them confusing even though the rules that govern them are fixed. The English city of Birmingham has banned the use of apostrophes from all of its street signs because people found them "too confusing"!

Let's see how well you can use apostrophes with this completely fantastic quiz!

What are absolute adjectives?

Average: 3.7 (49 votes)

Take a look at these very short sentences:

"He's tall."

"He's dead."

They both contain adjectives: tall and dead.

Tall can be used in comparative sentences:

Quick Tip - specially vs especially

Average: 2.8 (11 votes)

Take a look at the following sentences. Which one do you think is right?

"I got home especially late yesterday."

"I got home specially late yesterday."

Common mistakes in English - Do you make any of these?

Average: 2.8 (42 votes)


Take a look at these sentences; they are all classic mistakes that can be heard in English classrooms around the world. Do you know what is wrong with each sentence? Most English teachers hear these mistakes all the time so don'’t worry if you have been saying them – you are not alone!
Now is your chance to say them right!

The sentences in blue are WRONG!

Test your Pronoun knowledge!

Average: 3.6 (82 votes)

'This is her' or 'This is she'?

His and Hers

His and hers are possessive pronouns. They are used to substitute a noun and to show possession or ownership.

Example: This hat is hers.