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Confusing Words

Adjective endings - Cape Town is excited...or exciting?

Average: 2.9 (20 votes)

The following diary entries of an EC teacher in Cape Town are filled with adjectives. Choose the correct adjective in each sentence.

Noun or Adjective Quiz

Average: 3 (64 votes)

Using an adjective in a sentence when you should use a noun will make your English sound strange. Let's try cuting down on your errors by taking this short quiz. For each question you have two options. Choose either the adjective or noun form. 

So and Neither

Average: 3.8 (149 votes)

uncountable and countable nouns

Average: 3 (152 votes)

So what's the difference between countable and uncountable nouns?

Let's take a look at two nouns: cars and water. If you stand outside you will proabably see cars passing. You can count these cars 1 car, 2 cars, 3 cars and so on.

Water, however, can not be seperated and counted. We do not say 1 water, 2 waters.

So now we know that cars are countable and water is uncountable.

Words that have the same spelling and different meaning

Average: 2.7 (213 votes)

Today we're looking at homophones - words that have the same spellinds,but different meanings.

Take a look at the seven sentences and chose the correct meaning for the homonyms in the context they are shown.

Link: Learn English Collocations


Collocations - learn correct English

Average: 3.2 (49 votes)

Make a mistake? Do a mistake? Take a mistake?

Which is the correct verb to use with 'a mistake'. I hope you said 'make'. But why is that right? Well, the fact is that  the verb and noun combination just sounds right in English.

The difficulty for English learners is that these 'collocations' must be learned, usually without any rules to help them remember. Collocations are best understood and learned through practice.

Double Negatives

Average: 3.6 (11 votes)

Ok, so you are here to learn some English. Well, I am going to throw you a curve ball (do something unexpected).

Sometimes, we can use mathematics to help us with our English. If math is not your cup of tea (you have no interest), don't sign out yet. I promise I'll make it worth your while.

Non-count and count quantifiers

Average: 3.7 (73 votes)

Choose the correct word

Average: 3.7 (35 votes)

Take a look at the following ten sentences and decide if the missing word is an adjective, noun or adverb. Many of these word-forms are confused by English learners. 

Well done to anyone who can all ten correct!

Link: Vocab Challenge

Link: Confusing Word Pairs

10 Prepositions Questions

Average: 3.3 (109 votes)

Prepositions link nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in sentences.

There are lots of prepositions and choosing the right one can be difficult.

Most English learners find the best way to learn them is through practising, practising.... and then practising again!

So come on - it's time to get busy practising!

Link: Prepositions + '-ing'