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Money Phrasal Verbs!

Average: 3.9 (25 votes)

Following my listening lesson on money, I thought I’d give you some extra, more advanced vocabulary, on the topic of money. I have written the meanings of some common phrasal verbs used when we talk about money. Can you decide which phrasal verb belongs in each sentence?

London Life!

Average: 2.8 (12 votes)

Web Quotes Research

Average: 2.6 (19 votes)

One of my favourite things to do is read quotes. I like to learn more about the world by thinking about other people’s ideas. So, here’s a slightly different lesson for you! Below, I have written some quotes by famous authors, but a word is missing from each quote. Your job is to use the web to find the missing words.

Listening Lesson: Lion King's "The Morning Report"

Average: 3.3 (16 votes)

Dear Ibiscus how to use" Litterally"

Dear Ibiscus

Please tell me how do i use "litterally"

Suppose I want to say " I came to the extreem edge of the road"

How do i use it.

Is it " I came litterally to the edge of the road"

Is it ok?

Please tell me.

Your Friend ,


Regular Verbs - Elementary Level

Average: 2.9 (14 votes)

Look at the paragraph below and change the verbs in brackets into past tense.

Which sounds right?

Average: 1.5 (230 votes)

When I lived in South Africa, I was fascinated to discover that when they hurt themselves they don’t say 'ouch', they say 'eina'! It got me thinking about other 'sounds' we make in English and their meanings. So here's a quick fun lesson on some English sounds. Can you decide what the literal meaning of each sound is? I hope you enjoy it!

Lesson by Caroline

Link: What's happening?

Prepositions - Soccer Madness

Average: 3.2 (9 votes)

Use these prepositions to complete the 10 World Cup sentences. Some words can be used more than once.

in front of

Lesson by Amy at EC Cape Town English school.

Adverbs of Manner

Average: 3.4 (325 votes)

Adverbs of Manner add more information to verbs to make them more specific. For example “He ran” doesn’t say much about how he ran. If you add an adverb it will solve this problem: “He ran quickly” gives us more information and sounds better.

Adverbs of Manner always come after a verb and can be used with words like very or too. Adverbs of Manner are adjectives that almost always end with –ly, though some are also irregular.

Crime Vocabulary

Average: 3.1 (16 votes)

Although it's not nice to think about, it's useful to know some vocabulary about crime. Here is a list of crime vocabulary. Check your understanding by inserting the correct word in each gap. To make it even harder, if it is a missing verb, make sure you put it in the correct tense! Can you think of any more vocabulary related to crime?