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Top Ten Tips for IELTS Reading

Average: 2.2 (318 votes)

EC's successful IELTS course is taught by friendly and experienced teachers. Today EC London English School teacher, Chris Tang, shares these essential tips.

London City Foxes

Average: 3 (7 votes)

City foxes (Intermediate and above)

Reading - read the text and then match the words in bold with the definitions underneath.
Lesson by Jimi, EC London English school.

Do you play the lottery?

Average: 3.2 (5 votes)
Danny Danny's been teaching English at EC Malta for over 10 years.

Twenty minutes ago, I bought my first

Advanced Level Reading: Law, Finance and Business

Average: 2.5 (12 votes)

This lesson is about the infamous Bernard Madoff. He is known for one of the worst investment frauds in history. If you are interested in finance, economics, investment or any related area of business, then this lesson is perfect for you!

Grammar: Reported Speech

Average: 3.2 (11 votes)

Today's reading comes from BBC News Wales.

A code of conduct covering areas such as how pupils and teachers in Wales talk to each other on websites like Facebook is being opposed by a union. The NASUWT (National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers) says the new code is not wanted or needed and represents a waste of public money.

What do you think about TV?

Average: 2.9 (11 votes)
Danny Danny's been teaching English at EC Malta for over 10 years.

Can you find the mistakes?

Average: 4.3 (83 votes)

There are 11 mistakes in this letter, please find and correct them all. When you are finished click on "Show Correct Letter" below.

To Dan,

Hey Dan, how is you? I’m really good, I enjoying London. It is a very interested city. There are so much to do. What have you doing? Do you have some news for me?

I had a great weekend, at Friday I went to Oxford Street and did some shopping with my friends. On Saturday I went to Liverpool street, there are a cool market there. I buyed some clothes. I had a rest on Sunday, I was so tired.

Advanced Level Reading: Royal Mail to be privatised

Average: 2.5 (4 votes)

Good lesson for Advanced level students today. This report is taken from a BBC news story concerning a hot topic in the UK:

Jack the Ripper Reading

Average: 3.6 (20 votes)

Jack the Ripper is one of Britain’s most notorious serial killers. He killed more than five women and has remained in the history books due to the fact that he was never caught and so his identity is a mystery! I found this article online which appeared in The London Times on the 10th of August, 1888. I have removed some of the key vocabulary and am challenging you to fit the correct words in the correct gaps.

British Weather Vocabulary – Upper-Intermediate/Advanced

Average: 4.4 (18 votes)

Read this short story about the British weather.