Charges that give banks a cash advance are irking more customers. In order to get a quick payday out of customers, major banks are stepping up account charges, ATM and overdraft fees. Customers are getting fed up with it.
Anger over giving a cash til payday loan to banks grows
Here’s a really inspiring article about the Kenyan athlete, Mo Farah. I have highlighted some key vocabulary and then written the definition of each highlighted word. All you need to do is match the word to its definition.
Lesson by Caroline
Lots of our students study English to improve their job prospects, and when you’re applying for a job it is highly likely that you will need to submit a CV. Here’s an article about how to make a really excellent CV, followed by some true or false questions to check your understanding. I hope you find it helpful!
Lesson by Caroline Devane.
So, Madonna wants to move back to London despite the fact that she said she never wanted to live here again. Hmmmmmmm, I’m not sure how I feel about that! Read through this article and see if you can fit the missing words into the correct gaps. Do you think people should be entitled to visas just because they are celebrities?
Lesson by Caroline
Here’s a letter from Caroline with a difference. Rather than a true or false or vocabulary exercise there are ten mistakes in the text. Some of them are grammar related; some are to do with the meaning of the text. See if you can find them. Good luck!
Lesson by Caroline
Music is a really important part of my life.
Anyone I've ever taught will know how much I love chocolate. But they may not know, that I also love the British sandwich spread Marmite. Especially on toast with cheese...
However, I’m not sure how I feel about this new invention, marmite chocolate! Read this article and see if you can fit in the missing words. Can you think of any other ‘very peculiar’ food combinations?
Lesson by Caroline
Today we are going to focus on vocabulary. I’ve written a list of words and their definitions above the article. All you need to do is decide which word completes which gap.
Hello everyone,
It’s teacher James here writing from the Thai / Burma border amidst floods and fighting.
For those of you who didn’t know I took some time out from teaching with EC Brighton English language school to come to work with Burmese refugees.
Essentially I am on a 3 month placement with the objective of training the Burmese refugee teachers how to best approach the difficult job of teaching English with little or no resources to hand (see pics of classrooms).
This tutorial tests your ability to use a key structure that is often tested in the Use of English paper. Check your answers by clicking on 'Show Answers' below.
Today's lesson comes from Chris Tang who teaches CAE courses in London.
1) Read the following text in which a student describes the advice given by their teacher about the speaking exam: