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threw vs through

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'We took a taxi through New York.'

Let's take a look at two words which have the same pronunciation but different spellings and meanings. Try to remember these when you are writing in English:

Threw is the past tense of the verb 'throw'.

'The goalkeeper threw the ball to his team-mate.'

The sentence, 'I can't believe all that Anna has been threw this year', is not correct.


The correct sentence is:

'I can't believe all that Anna has been through this year.'

Through is never used as a verb:

"He walked home through the park", not "He walked home threw the park."

To review:

Through is a preposition and an adverb. (It can also be used as an adjective).

Threw is the past tense of 'throw'. The past participle is thrown.

Unless you mean the act of throwing, use through.


Link:  It's vs Its

  • I tried to call, but I couldn't get ___ to you.

  • The police car drove ___ a red light at the traffic signal.

  • I was sick last night. I ___ up twice.

  • My teacher lost my homework ___ his disorganisation.

  • Did you ___ the newspaper away?

  • The cowboy was ___ by his horse.

  • Hands up! ___ your hands in the air!