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Jack the Ripper Reading

Average: 3.6 (20 votes)

Jack the Ripper is one of Britain’s most notorious serial killers. He killed more than five women and has remained in the history books due to the fact that he was never caught and so his identity is a mystery! I found this article online which appeared in The London Times on the 10th of August, 1888. I have removed some of the key vocabulary and am challenging you to fit the correct words in the correct gaps.

Furniture and Prepositions

Average: 2.8 (16 votes)

It is all very well knowing the vocabulary for furniture around the house, but do you know the prepositions that go with them?

In each of the sentences below, I have removed the preposition. Can you remember which one you need to complete the sentence?

Lesson by Caroline

British Weather Vocabulary – Upper-Intermediate/Advanced

Average: 4.4 (19 votes)

Read this short story about the British weather.

Animal Similes – Intermediate Level

Average: 2.2 (29 votes)

How hungry are you? As hungry as an elephant? A wolf? A bear? In this exercise I’m going to introduce you to some expressions using animal similes.

Firstly, match the animals with their definitions.

Abstract Nouns

Average: 3 (21 votes)

Can you touch it?

Can you see it?

Can you hear it?

Can you taste it?

Well then maybe it’s an abstract noun! These are nouns that we use to talk about feelings or ideas.

Helpful Hint: Abstract nouns often end in the following suffixes:

Verb Patterns for Upper-Intermediate Students

Average: 3.4 (28 votes)

When we use more than one verb in a sentence there are specific patterns, e.g. the infinitive to or –ing, that follow the first verb.

Look at this example: "My friend suggested watching a dvd at home, but I want to go out.

The verb ‘suggested’ is followed by an –ing form of the next verb (gerund) and the verb ‘want’ is followed by the infinitive to.

Music Vocabulary - Intermediate Level

Average: 3.8 (11 votes)

Do you know the following words related to music?

High Intermediate: Comedy Listening and Vocab Lesson

Average: 3.6 (7 votes)

Check the meaning of the following words:

Long Live The King!

Average: 3 (11 votes)

Advanced Vocabulary Game

Average: 3.6 (23 votes)

In this exercise I’m going to give you a word and two definitions. Your job is to decide which the correct definition is. Good luck!

Link: Which is the correct definition?

Lesson by Caroline