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Adjectives & Modifying Adverbs

Average: 1.7 (164 votes)

Can you match the adjectives to their opposites?:

New Verbs: I to P

Average: 1.9 (142 votes)

A while ago I posted an exercise to help you increase your vocabulary. That lesson focussed on verbs A to H, so now we are going to look at some verbs from I to P, some of which you may know and some of which you might not. Each sentence needs one of the verbs below Find the meaning of the verb and match it to the correct sentence. Then, from memory, try to write your own list of verbs from I-P. Good luck!

Superlatives - Elementary Level

Average: 3.4 (24 votes)

The superlative is the greatest form of an adjective and is used when you are comparing more than one thing.

Advanced Body Idioms

Average: 3.2 (19 votes)

An idiom is an expression used that cannot be easily understood by the meaning of each word separately.

Often an idiom, such as under the weather, does not seem to make sense if taken literally. Someone unfamiliar with English idioms would probably not understand that to be under the weather is to be sick.

How to use Like

Average: 1.9 (173 votes)

The word like can be confusing for students since it has many different meanings in English. Here are five of its common uses:

Five ways to use 'like'

Like = enjoy
I like coffee

To be + like = describe personality/characteristics
What is he like?

Idiom of the Day: Take a Shot

Average: 1.5 (2513 votes)

Tired of idiom

This cartoon is based on the idiom take a shot.

Take a shot means 'try to do something; to attempt to do something'.


"I don't know the answer to your question, but I'll take a shot anyway."

"I haven't played tennis before but I'm going to take a shot this weekend."

Phrasal Verbs with Up

Average: 1.6 (171 votes)

English has a large number of phrasal verbs, many of which use the preposition 'up'.

Quite a lot of phrasal verbs with up mean 'to increase/improve something'. For example speed up means 'to increase your car's speed'. There are exceptions to this such as hold up which means 'to delay something'.

Look at the context of each sentence and choose the correct definition.

Good luck!

Expressions with Time

Average: 1.9 (319 votes)

Complete the sentences with these words to make the correct time expressions:

Expressions with Look

Average: 3 (27 votes)


Look for: try to find something
Look forward to: wait with pleasure for something which is going to happen
Look after: be responsible for or take care of someone or something

Complete the sentences with these expressions:

I'm looking forward to...
I'm looking for...
I'm looking after...

Verbs and Nouns

Average: 4.2 (24 votes)

How many of these words do you know?

Do you know both the verb and noun form?

Use the words in the table to complete the ten sentences below.

Today's lesson comes from Nasreen at EC Cape Town English School