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Parts of the body

Average: 4.3 (11 votes)

 The human body is like a silent machine that carries us through life. Sometimes it does not work as well or look as good as we would like, but each one is unique and yet just like all the rest! It truly is an amazing thing. How well do you know yours? Today's lesson looks at the names of different parts of the human body both inside and out.

Choose which body part is being described in each sentence:

Reading and Vocab: Dinosaur

Average: 4.2 (14 votes)

An enormous species of dinosaur, which weighed more 130,000 pounds, has been _1_ by scientists in Argentina. It is among the largest land animals that ever lived. Over 45% of the _2_, which dates back 77 million years, was found in the Patagonia region of the country.

What are conjunctions?

Average: 4.8 (303 votes)

Conjunctions join words or groups of words together. Some common conjunctions are and, that, because, but, if, or, as, than, and when.

And - He is learning English and French.

That - She said that she was ill.

Because - She doesn't eat meat or fish because she is vegetarian.

English Contractions

Average: 3.7 (26 votes)

A contraction is a short form of a group of words. English has a few contractions, which mostly involve not pronouncing a vowel. In writing the vowel is replaced with an apostrophe in writing.

For example, the contraction of I am is I'm and the contraction of will not is won't.

Vocabulary Review

Average: 4.8 (12 votes)

Today's lesson is a general noun quiz. All you have to do is choose the word that is being described in each sentence.

An important part of learning a language is to review words you have learned in the past. Sometimes we want to learn new words so much that we forget to go back any study the words we have learned before. The problem with this is we can end up forgetting words we thought we knew. How many times have you come across a word you remember seeing but can no longer remember what it means?

Choose the word that is being described in each sentence:

Negative Prefixes

Average: 3.6 (114 votes)

We use the negative prefixes un- / in- /im- /il- /ir-

For example:

John and James are brothers. John is reliable, you can trust him to do anything you ask. James, on the other hand, is unreliable, you cannot rely on him.

By adding un to reliable we change the meaning of the word to not reliable.

Dis gives the adjective the opposite meaning: "I know you all agree with the plan, but I still disagree."

Electronic Cigarettes Reading and Vocab Exercise

Average: 3.4 (18 votes)

The World Health Organization (WHO) called for stiff regulation of electronic cigarettes as well as bans on indoor use, advertising and sales to minors, in the latest bid to control the booming new market.

Shopping Vocabulary

Average: 4 (14 votes)

How often do you go grocery shopping (shopping for food)? Do your family do one big shop a week or do you buy little and often? Do you shop in big supermarkets or at small local shops.

Below are seven words we associate with shopping (they are all nouns). The letters of these words have been scrambled (mixed up). Read the definition of each word and then use the letters to form the correct spelling. Type the words into the boxes provided:

Prepositions For, Of and To

Average: 3.4 (172 votes)

Prepositions are often confusing for English learners, especially when one preposition can have more than one meaning. Today we look at the prepositions for, of and to and three of their possible meanings.


For usually tells us about the use of something, a reason or purpose.

We need new batteries for the remote control.

These drinks are for after work.

We use it for cutting grass.

Irregular Plural Nouns

Average: 3.7 (38 votes)

A singular noun refers to one of something (a chair, a hat, a dog); a plural noun means more than one (chairs, hats, dogs).

In most cases we make a plural noun by adding s to a singular noun (car > cars).

Words that end in -ch, x, s or s-like sounds take -es for the plural (kiss > kisses).

When a noun ends in y we replace it with –ies to make the plural (city > cities).