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Parts of Speech

Average: 3.4 (31 votes)

English is commonly separated into eight parts of speech. These are:

Word Order - Adjectives

Average: 3.8 (23 votes)

Do you know where to put the adjective in a sentence? Follow these simple rules to help you remember:

1. The adjective comes before the noun.
"I live in a small house."
"I have a blue umbrella."

2. The adjective comes after the verb 'to be'.
"I am very tired. "
"Careful, the food is hot!"

Can or Can't

Average: 3.6 (424 votes)

How well do you remember this modal verb which expresses ability? Can you remember everything or can't you remember anything?!

Try this exercise to find out! In each sentence choose which answer is needed to make the sentence work.

Note: Sometimes we replace 'can't' with 'cannot'. They have exactly the same meaning but can't is much more common.

Lesson by Caroline

Choose the correct combination in the following sentences:

Suffix '-ness': Adjective to Noun

Average: 2.7 (497 votes)

There are lots of adjectives in English that we can convert into nouns by using 'ness'. A noun ending in 'ness' literally means the state of the original adjective.

For example, hungriness means ‘the state of being hungry. Below are ten sentences which require a noun ending in 'ness'.

Look at the adjectives below and guess which one goes in each sentence. Then add 'ness' and change spelling when needed.

Good luck!

Lesson by Caroline

Past Continuous or Past Simple

Average: 2.2 (184 votes)

What can you remember about using past continuous to describe interrupted time? Here's a little refresher:

When you want to talk about two actions in the past, it is often the case that one is past continuous and the other past simple.

The long action is past continuous and the short one, or the one that interrupts it is past simple.

For example:

"I was walking to school when I heard a loud crash."

'Used to' for Intermediate Level Students

Average: 2.1 (148 votes)

Used to is commonly applied to either speak of a past habit or a situation we are accustomed to. However, the structure that follows 'used to' will be determined by the intended meaning.

For example: used to + infinitive = past habit. For example: I used to smoke but not now.

Verb to be + used to + gerund = an accustomed situation. For example: I am used to smoking; I smoke a packet a day.

Present Perfect Quiz

Average: 3.4 (391 votes)

Present Perfect = have/has + past participle

This lesson will help you to revise using the present perfect tense for life experiences.

Read through the sentences and change the verb in brackets to the present perfect tense. Then award yourself ten points for each thing you have done. I have got 110/150! Chris what is your score? Let's see who has the highest score.

Good luck!

Lesson by Caroline Devane

Third Conditional

Average: 2.1 (205 votes)

Thanks to the great teachers at EC San Francisco for this lesson.

If you hadn't come to San Francisco, where would you have studied?
If you hadn't done your homework, what would your teacher have said to you?
If you had passed that exam, what would you have done to celebrate?

Verb Forms Quiz

Average: 3.8 (302 votes)

Let's have a quick quiz to get your brain thinking on a Monday. I often notice on the comments left on this site that Englisg users have a good vocabulary but get confused over which form of a word is needed.

When learning a new word it's always good to learn an example sentence instead of just the single word. This way you will learn about how the word is used in context.

Choose the best word form in each case.

Past Continuous Review

Average: 2.8 (75 votes)

How long has it been since you reviewed the past continuous? Do you remember when to use it and how it is formed? Here's a reminder of this tense and some exercises to help you check your understanding. Good luck!

When do we use the past continuous?

The past continuous is used in a number of situations.