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Time idioms

Average: 3.7 (106 votes)

Time is a precious. Most of us don't have enough of it and wish we had more. There are lots of English expressions using time. Here are 20 of them and what they mean. Check them out, there's no time to lose:

on time

to be on time means not to be late. You arrive at the right time.

Shop idioms

Average: 3.9 (14 votes)

Here some idioms which use the word 'shop'.  When you have read the article below, see if you can match the right idiom to the right sentence.

to talk shop

To talk about your job when you are not in work. Usually to discuss business in your free time.

'Whenever I go out with my co-workers we always end up talking shop.'

ten animal idioms

Average: 3.8 (53 votes)

'Are you bull-headed?'  What does that mean?

Business English: Sporting idioms in business

Average: 1.8 (340 votes)

Business English

  'Approaching the finish line.'

It's a sporting summer with the Beijing Olympics underway. In Business English we use a number of idioms (natural English expressions) which are connected to sport.

Here are a few of the most common. Which sports do you think they are connected to?

Idioms using nationalities and countries

Average: 1.5 (170 votes)


It’s the first day of the Summer Olympic in Beijing and as the Olympics is a truly global event we thought we would give you some Idioms and natural English expressions which use the names of countries and nationalities. These expressions are mostly used in spoken English.

Wherever you come from, I hope your country does well! 

To go Dutch – to split the bill in a restaurant between everyone who ate together.

Summer - 'sun', 'shine' and 'summer' idioms

Average: 3.5 (11 votes)

 Stonehenge at sunrise

Stonehenge at sunrise.

The summer solstice, also known as ‘the longest day’, is celebrated this year on June 20, 2008. This day of the year  has the most hours of daylight and shortest night. In the Northern Hemisphere it always occurs in mid-June, while in the Southern Hemisphere it occurs in December.

Why do we say 'Jump on the Bandwagon'?

Average: 3.5 (42 votes)

Meaning: to support a cause only because it is popular to do so.

If you ‘jump on the bandwagon’, you join a growing movement in support of someone or something when that movement is seen to be about to become successful.

Why do we say 'Cut to the chase'?

Average: 4.4 (86 votes)


Show Girl in Hollywood Poster (1930)

Meaning:  ‘get to the point’.

Why do we say 'Pleased as Punch'?

Average: 3.7 (12 votes)


Meaning: ‘very pleased’

This expression refers to the Punch and Judy puppet character. Punch’s name comes from Polchinello (sometimes spelled Punchinello), an Italian puppet with similar characteristics. In Punch and Judy shows, the grotesque Punch is portrayed as self-satisfied and pleased with his evil actions.


Why do we say 'Over the Moon'?

Average: 3.2 (13 votes)

Meaning: very happy or delighted.