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Relative Clauses - who, whose, where, which

Average: 3.4 (174 votes)

Let's take an intermediate level look at relative clauses.

A relative clause tells us which thing or person the speaker means.

"The man who works in the bank is my brother" - 'who works in the bank' tells us which man.

Adjectives plus prepositions

Average: 2.5 (22 votes)

Test you knowledge of adjectives followed by the prepositions. Complete the sentences with the correct missing preposition.

Link: Prepositions Questions

go, goes, going, went or gone.

Average: 3.3 (151 votes)

A simple review for you today. Read through the 14 sentences and complete them using the following words:

go, goes, going, went or gone.

This is basic English; however, I often hear English learners using the wrong verbs when speaking. Take a moment to look at the context of each sentence before making your choice.

2 options are possible for question 7. 'Went'  is ok, but which other word can we use?


Average: 3.4 (22 votes)

Now it's time to practice comparatives!
These statements are all about celebrities and famous people. Do you think the statements are true or false? Leave us a comment and tell us what you think.
If you're not sure who some of the celebrities are, why don't you read about them online!

Lesson by Caroline Devan, a teacher at EC Cape Town English language school

uncountable and countable nouns

Average: 3 (153 votes)

So what's the difference between countable and uncountable nouns?

Let's take a look at two nouns: cars and water. If you stand outside you will proabably see cars passing. You can count these cars 1 car, 2 cars, 3 cars and so on.

Water, however, can not be seperated and counted. We do not say 1 water, 2 waters.

So now we know that cars are countable and water is uncountable.

Upper-Intermediate English tenses test

Average: 2.7 (103 votes)

Today's lesson is for high / upper intermediate English students.

Time to take a careful look at the structure of some English sentences. This exercise will help you review English tenses. As I mentioned already, read the sentences carefully for clues on which tense should be used. There's also a phrasal verb question in there, too (see number 3).

Make sure you leave a comment letting us know how you did and questions if you need help. Always reply to the comments which you know the answers to. Be kind - help your classmates!

Gerunds vs Infinitives

Average: 2.8 (63 votes)

Many students have expressed difficulties regarding whether to use the gerund form of a verb or the infinitive form. Deciding which to use is not always easy, but the more you read and listen to English, the easier it will become. Sometimes either the gerund or the infinitive form can be used, either with the same or different meanings, and sometimes there is only one form which is correct.

Culture Lesson - Learn English in Cambridge

Average: 2.8 (12 votes)

Our English school in Cambridge, EC Cambridge, is having a great year. The amount of English learners wanting to study there is at an all-time high. Students at the school this year have come from 79 different countries! That means people from all over the world are choosing Cambridge as their number one destination to learn English in. But what do you know about this English city? Let’s take a look at some Cambridge facts while practicing our English.

Have or Has

Average: 3 (487 votes)

In present tense sentences and present perfect tenses we use has with the third person singular:

Choose the correct forms of the verb

Average: 3 (919 votes)

Take a look at these ten sentences and complete them with the correct forms of the verbs.

There are four choices for each sentence, but only one is correct.

This exercise is intermediate level. Let's see how many of you can get 10 out of 10.

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