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Do Make Take Have

Average: 3.4 (28 votes)

Collocations are words that go together. For example:

"In this class everyone must do their homework".

Do and homework go together. In the following sentences can you decide what the correct collocation is? You have four choices:


Bristol English Language School

Average: 2.9 (15 votes)

Last week EC opened a new English language centre: EC Bristol English school.

To celebrate he's a lesson on the English city of Bristol.

Take a look at these ten sentences related to the school and city.

Choose the correct missing word in each case.

Which word is missing? Ten quick questions

Average: 3.4 (26 votes)

Today's task is in two parts. First of all choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

Part 2, give your opinion to the questions. Let us know what you think by writing your view in the comments section below.

Chris McCarthy

Verb Tense Practice: Throw

Average: 3.1 (50 votes)

Take a look at the irregular verb throw.

Throw is the present simple tense

Threw is the past simple tense

Thrown is the past participle

Throwing is the progressive form.

Now use the correct form of the verb in the following tenses:

Passive Tense Review

Average: 3.5 (81 votes)

Do you remember the difference between active and passive sentences?

In an active sentence:

Someone or something is performing an action.
"The cat chased the mouse."

In a passive sentence:

Someone or something is having something done to them.
"The mouse was chased by the cat."

In order to make a passive sentence you need:

Can, could, be able to

Average: 3.3 (824 votes)

Here’s a refresher lesson on two modal verbs and ‘be able to’, which functions as one.
Lesson by Caroline Devane

Verb Tense Practice

Average: 3.4 (33 votes)

Take a look at the irregular verb blow.

Blow is the present simple tense

Blew is the past simple tense

Blown is the past participle

Blowing is the progressive form.

Which sentence is correct?

Average: 3.3 (83 votes)

Something that can really help you to see if you have understood a rule in English, or remembered some vocabulary, is to see if you can spot mistakes.

In each pair of sentences there is one correct sentence. Can you work out which is the correct version?
By Caroline Devane

Modal Verbs Practice

Average: 2 (334 votes)

Word Order - Adverbs of Frequency

Average: 1.7 (155 votes)

Adverbs of frequency are used to say how often (or frequently) we do something. In English, the adverbs of frequency are:

Hardly ever

You probably remember the vocabulary, but can you remember where we must place them in the sentence?