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Music Idioms

Average: 3.4 (25 votes)

The following idioms are all related to music. Which idiom do you think is being shown in the picture below?

I have chosen eight of the most common music idioms and have written them below along with their literal meaning. Now all you need to do is choose which idiom completes each sentence! Can you think of any more music idioms? Good luck!

Music Video: Taylor Swift - Breathe

Average: 3.5 (40 votes)

Taylor Swift won two awards at the Grammy's recently and seems to be getting more and more famous by the day. This song is well known for appearing in the recent Twilight movie and is about a very sad break up. Read through the lyrics first and guess what word goes in each gap. Then listen to the song and check your answers.

Danny's Reading: Cake

Average: 3.6 (17 votes)

Before you settle down to get your teeth into this month’s article, there are three things you need to know right away. The first thing is, I don’t make cakes. Secondly, I’m making a cake. And finally, this is an article about me making a cake.

As I type this out at the kitchen table, there is one-third of a cake baking in the oven. It’ll be done in about ten minutes…

Business English: Making Decisions

Average: 2 (190 votes)

We all have to make decisions every day. Some decisions are simple, some are more difficult.

Decision-making increasingly happens at all levels of a business, and it's an important part of being successful in business.

Do you consider yourself to be a good decision maker? What do you need to do before you make a business decision? What must you do and think about before deciding what decision to take?

Vocabulary - Life Stages

Average: 3.2 (37 votes)

In English, we divide our lives into stages which relate to our age. For example, my cousin Jake is three years old, so he is a toddler. Below are the stages listed in order, then some sentences in which you need to choose which 'stage' word fits.

What stage of your life are you in? Are you an adult who feels like a teenager?!

A Tale of Two Millionaires – Intermediate (Comprehension)

Average: 3.6 (32 votes)

Read the story of these two very different people then answer the ten questions that follow. The first five questions are comprehension questions and the next five (6-10) are multiple-choice. Click below the text for the comprehension answers.

Lesson by Shaun

Milton Petrie

Every morning billionaire Milton Petrie walked from his New York apartment and bought a newspaper from a ragged old man on the street corner.

Whiteboard Lesson: Word Categories

Average: 3.1 (34 votes)

Harrison, who teaches at EC San francisco, shows us how we can expand our vocabulary.

Upper-Intermediate Reading: English Coastal Towns

Average: 4 (10 votes)

Being from a seaside town myself, I'm particularly interested in how we can continue to celebrate their heritage within the UK. Recently, the national lottery has announced a fund to help seaside towns to improve their economic and social situations. This information comes from a government website and therefore has a slightly different tone to a newspaper article. What differences do you think you might notice? Read through the article and complete the gaps with the missing words.

Ordinal Numbers: first, second, third

Average: 1.6 (191 votes)

When we want to put things in order, we use ordinal numbers so we can tell the position of that thing.

For example, if there is a road with three houses, you will pass them in order of the first house, the second and the third.

Music Video Lesson: Wicked - For Good

Average: 3.3 (18 votes)

This song is about what we learn from our relationships with others and how these relationships change the person we are. It is from the successful musical, Wicked. Listen to the song and complete the gaps with the correct word.

Note: please tell me if there is a singer, band, or song that you would like a lesson on. I’m always looking for new ideas!

Lesson by Caroline Devane