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Present Tenses

Average: 4 (20 votes)

Present simple, Present continuous, Present perfect/continuous.

Here are the most common uses for the present tenses:

Present simple
For timetables: The train leaves at 6:30. And for unchanging situations: It never snows in Malta.

Friday fun with idioms and euphemisms

Average: 4.6 (19 votes)

Idioms, idiomatic expressions and euphemisms have one thing in common: their meaning is figurative, so it cannot be interpreted or understood literally.

We have chosen some popular idioms and euphemisms for you to use:

A walk in the park – something easy or pleasant (unchallenging)

Beat around the bush – to avoid answering a question by wasting time talking about something else.

Adverbials of Direction

Average: 4.4 (30 votes)

When talking about direction, there are several prepositional phrases you could use:

 Back to
 Out of

Let’s start off with two examples:

Sally ran out of the bar and jumped right onto her bike.
Walk past the school, down the road and through the park.

Spotlight on... breakfast!

Average: 4.4 (18 votes)

Some of us can’t live without the first meal of the day, others would much rather do without it. Then there are others who believe skipping it can contribute to weight gain!


Average: 4.1 (19 votes)

If you want to say that something belongs to somebody or something, you would:

1.    Add an ‘s to a singular noun and
2.    An apostrophe (‘) to a plural noun ending with an ‘s.’

The girl’s doll (one girl)
The girls’ doll (two or more girls)

It’s Monday, 22nd April. It’s Earth Day!

Average: 4 (19 votes)

It’s the 22nd day of April. It’s Earth Day!

Earth Day was born in 1969 at a UNESCO Conference in San Francisco. It is celebrated in more than 192 countries every year.

Events are held to show support for the protection of our natural environment, as well as inspire awareness and appreciation. 

In honour of this important day, here is a set of words and phrases related to the environment and the problems it is facing:

Countable and Uncountable Nouns: Comparing Quantities

Average: 3.9 (35 votes)

You can compare quantities in different ways, depending on the type of noun you are referring to.

Have you heard of countable and uncountable nouns?

When talking about uncountable nouns; such as time, coffee, rice, milk and love; you would need to use more than and less than.

Take a look at the following examples:

There is less chocolate ice cream in my bowl than in Julian’s bowl.

Time for some fashion vocabulary!

Average: 3.5 (49 votes)

We've put together a small set of common words, phrases and expressions which we think will come in handy for those who follow fashion…
For those of you who aren’t that interested, we still hope this will help you have a conversation about the subject. You never know enough vocabulary, right?

Three-word 'As' Expressions

Average: 4.5 (24 votes)

You will find the following phrases useful while speaking English, as well as writing in English.

See what we did there? That was the first example of the idiomatic expression as well as.

We have chosen four different phrases for you. Each one is easy to remember and comes with two examples:

As well as

Meaning:  in addition to something or someone else; also


Irregular Adjectives in Comparatives

Average: 3.3 (123 votes)

Regular Adjectives

Most adjectives follow one of these rules when making comparatives.

One syllable words add er:

New becomes newer

Two or more syllable words add more first:

Intelligent becomes more intelligent

Words that end in y become ier:

pretty become prettier

Words that end in er add er:

Clever becomes cleverer