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Future Time

Average: 2.9 (310 votes)

There are several ways of looking at the future with English. Here is an overview of the different tenses we use depending on the situation we are talking about.

Present Time

Average: 3.5 (22 votes)

When we talk about the present the different tenses we use are determined by the situation we are expressing.

The present simple

We use the present simple to talk about something that is regular and is happening in the present:
I come home from work at around six.
I often meet my friend during our lunch break.

Past Time

Average: 3.7 (21 votes)

When we talk about an event/s or situation/s that took place in the past there are different verb forms or tenses that we can use.

The past simple

We use the past simple when we are talking about an event that happened at one particular point/time in the past:
We woke up early because of our flight.
The train left at midnight.

Be Have Do

Average: 3.7 (74 votes)

The verbs be, have and do can all be used as the main verb in a sentence:
My sister is at university.
We have a break at half past twelve.
I usually do the shopping on Saturday morning.

Auxiliary verbs

We use be, have and do to form tenses, questions and with negative forms. When be, have and do are used in this way they are called auxiliary verbs.

Actually or Really

Average: 3.5 (22 votes)

Emphatic devices

There are a number of ways of adding emphasis to part of a sentence in English. Actually and really can be used to make part of a sentence or a whole sentence more emphatic.


Actually is used to introduce something unexpected or to reinforce opinion.
Although she failed the test, she is actually very bright.
Yes, you were right; it was actually an amazing concert.


Average: 4.2 (19 votes)

Gerunds can be described as a special type of noun. They are made from verbs and can have an object. Many gerunds end in –ing.

Guess the jobs

Average: 4 (23 votes)

You want something done? You want to explain what you do to people? It's always important to know the names of jobs.

How well do you know these jobs?

Flight attendant

Here are a few descriptions of what people do, try to guess their job.

Movement vocabulary

Average: 3.4 (19 votes)

There are many words to describe movement in English. Here are a few verbs ones to help you explain movement in a more interesting way.

There are 10 sentences and you should try and guess the correct verb in the correct tense from the ones in the box.

Tap to hit with repeated, gentle blows. "She tapped her pen on the table twice."

–ed or –ing?

Average: 4.2 (34 votes)

It can sometimes be difficult to decide which form of the adjective to use: -ed or -ing. Do I say boring or bored? Here are the rules:


- ed describes someone's feelings:

I'm bored. Let's do something else. (I feel bored).
You seem bored. Would you like to go to the cinema? (I think you feel bored).

We use -ed for people only.

Clause structure

Average: 4.2 (22 votes)

All clauses in English have at least two parts:
The children played.
All the people in the room were laughing.

These sentences have a noun phrase and a verb phrase.
Noun phrase + verb phrase
The children played
All the people in the room were laughing