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Which sentences have mistakes? part 4

Average: 2.5 (10 votes)

Take a look at the following seven sentences and decide if they have any mistakes or if they are correct.

Click on why below to find out what is wrong with the mistake sentences.

Culture Lesson: Guy Fawkes Night

Average: 3.2 (11 votes)

November 5th is a famous day in British history. Guy Fawkes Night is celebrated on this day. Do you know who he was or why this day is celebrated? Let's find out about some British culture.

Choose the correct synonym

Average: 3.9 (17 votes)

Take a look at the following seven sentences. Each sentence has a key-word. Choose which word has the same meaning as the key-word

Body idioms

Average: 1.7 (715 votes)

Here are ten common idioms which are related to body parts:

foot in mouth

To put your foot in your mouth means that you say or do something that accidentally embarrasses or offends another person

'I put my foot in my mouth when I called by brother's new wife by his ex-wife's name.'

Odd word out

Average: 4.1 (34 votes)

Below you will see groups of words. There are four words in each group. One word in each group is different from the rest. You must choose which is the odd word. Which word does not match with the rest of the group? Do your answers match ours?

To find out the reasons  for our answers, click on 'why' below.

Phrasal Verb - 'Fall out'

Average: 2.9 (14 votes)

Let's take a look at the phrasal verb fall out. Like most phrasal verbs, it has more than one meaning. Here's how we can use fall out:

to fall - to separate. When one thing separates from another thing. In the cartoon the birds might separate from their nest (fall from the nest onto the ground), or you might fall out of your bed at night!

'When you get old your hair and teeth start to fall out.'

How to use Would

Average: 2.9 (848 votes)

'I would love to travel the world.'


Average: 2.8 (6 votes)

We've all heard about Halloween. We've all seen movies about it. But do any of us know what Halloween is about?
Let me give you a quick background history.
The Celts celebrated the New Year on October 31st as this was the time that summer ended and the winter began. The Celts believed that with the winter darkness came, and with the darkness came evil spirits too.
They thought that on the night of October 31st that the physical world and spirit world came together and that spirits walked on the earth.

Using Too and Not Something Enough

Average: 2.8 (31 votes)

When we are unhappy about something we can complain about it. Complain is the verb and complaint is the noun. The collocation is 'make a complaint' or 'have a complaint'.

Credit-Crisis: How to talk about the economy

Average: 3 (14 votes)