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Learn English Words

Average: 3.5 (46 votes)

Another chance for you to learn some new, English words. All you have to do is, decide which word has the closet meaning to the key-word.

Link: Verb Tense Review


Storm Idioms: 5 for you to learn

Average: 3.2 (68 votes)


(noun)An extreme weather condition with very strong wind, heavy rain and often thunder and lightning.

You probably heard the word storm used to describe weather, like in the definition above. Did you know that storm is also used to describe strong emotions? For example:

Top 5 lessons on learnenglish.ecenglish.com

Average: 3.4 (5 votes)

http://learnenglish.ecenglish.com is now over one year-old. Here are the top five lessons on our site. These are the most popular lessons for English learners like you.

Have you tried them all? 

1 - '-ed' and '-ing' adjectives: describing feelings and things

(Lesson added: 11 July, 2008)

Danny on English Tenses

Average: 1.4 (177 votes)

Phrasal Verb - Hit On

Average: 3.7 (11 votes)

Let's take a look at the word hit. In the cartoon we can see two different meanings:

Hit - (verb) to strike something.

"I hit the spider with my shoe."

'Hit' as a Phrasal Verb

Hit (on) something - (phrasal verb) to realise something or to think of an idea unexpectedly.

Quick Tip - The best way to learn English!

Average: 2.2 (19 votes)


The best way to learn English quickly is to jump in at the deep end!

Bring vs. Take

Average: 3.8 (76 votes)

What's the difference between take and bring?

A lot of English learners have a problem with this. Here's the answer:


We ask people to bring things to the place where we are. Bring is used in relation to a destination:

"Bring some food to the party at my house."

Which sentences have mistakes? Part 5

Average: 1.7 (160 votes)

Do you think that the 5 sentences have any mistakes?

Click on why below to find out what the mistakes are.

Listening practice: What's happening?

Average: 3.5 (89 votes)
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