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Other words for Intelligent

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Synonyms for Intelligent:

These are all expressions we can use casually to describe intelligent people. Aprt from boffin, they are all adjectives.

She's the brainiest student in the school.

She's a bright girl.

My dog is really clever, he can do a lot of tricks.

My brother's smarter than me.

Comparative + Than

Average: 3.5 (36 votes)

Use than with a comparative adjective when comparing two things or people.

In this sentence older is the comparative adjective. She is older than me.

France is bigger than England.
Malta is warmer than Germany.

Use -er with one-syllable words

Idiom of the Day: Break a Leg

Average: 3.6 (40 votes)

Good luck is the most common expression we say to someone when we hope that they will be successful.

Good luck with your driving test.

Break a leg is used in informal English when we wish someone good luck, especially before a performance. We usually say "Break a leg" to actors and musicians before they go on stage to perform, but it can be used as for other situations too.

Tonight's your first time acting in front of an audience isn't it? Well, break a leg!

Watch Less TV

Average: 3.7 (18 votes)

Read through this article and choose the correct missing words:

UK doctors are to start _1_ overweight patients have TV-free days or get strict and cut their viewing time to two hours _2_ day. TV free days would cut obesity and _3_ healthier lifestyle, says the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)

English Grammar Tenses

Average: 3.5 (317 votes)

Learning English grammar can be a challenging experience. Today we look at the basic tenses we need to talk about the present, past and future.


Simple Present

Base verb (+ es/es for third person):

I watch the news every day.

Present Continuous

am/is/are + present participle:

I am watching the news.

Present Perfect

Has/have + past participle:

Regular and Irregular Verbs

Average: 3.7 (42 votes)

Most English verbs follow the same rule: the past tense is formed by adding -ed to the present form.

I called you but you didn't answer.
She booked us a table at the restaurant.
I accidentally closed the document I was working on.

Today we look at a few of the 180 irregular verbs which do not follow this rule.

In the news: Scotland

Average: 4 (16 votes)

The future of Scotland is being decided today as a referendum on whether it should be an independent country takes place. Scotland is a country located in the north of Great Britain and is part of the United Kingdom. Scotland has been completely merged with England to form the UK since 1707.

All and Every

Average: 4 (42 votes)

All and every have very similar meanings. We use them to talk about people and things in a general way.

Every is used with singular countable nouns. When we are counting things separately one by one, we use every.

I heard every word you said.

All is used with plural nouns.

All my friends are learning English

Compare these examples sentences:

What time is it?

Average: 3.6 (359 votes)

Practice your understanding of time expressions. Do you know how to respond when some asks you,"What's the time?", and do you understand when some tells you what time it is. Here are the key phrases you need to know.


one o'clock (1:00)
five o'clock (5:00)

Half past (thirty minutes past)

7:30 (half past seven)
10:30 (half past ten)
12:30 (half-past twelve)

Maths Vocabulary

Average: 4.2 (174 votes)

Have you ever taken a maths lesson in English? Do you know the right vocabulary to talk about mathematics?

Let's take a look at some basic math terms:

Plus or Add (+)

Two plus two is four. (2+2=4)
Five add five is ten. (5+5=10)

Minus, Subtract or Take Away (-)

Six minus two is four (6-2=4)
Ten subtract five is five (10-5=5) Nine take away eight is one (9-8=1)
Eight take away three is five (8-3=5)