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Superlatives Quiz

Average: 2.7 (26 votes)

How much do you know about the world? How much do you remember about superlatives? Take this test to find out!

When you have written in the correct superlative, leave your answers to the questions by adding a comment. Which countries and cities do you think are the best answers to the questions?


Lesson by Caroline Devan, an English teacher at EC Cape Town

Words that have the same spelling and different meaning

Average: 2.7 (213 votes)

Today we're looking at homophones - words that have the same spellinds,but different meanings.

Take a look at the seven sentences and chose the correct meaning for the homonyms in the context they are shown.

Link: Learn English Collocations


Common Colour Idioms

Average: 3.6 (12 votes)

I know that English students enjoy learning new idioms. I'm sure that over the years you have come across many of them. Today we're going to review your knowledge and hopefully teach you some new ones.

The theme of today's lesson is colour idioms (or color idioms, if you prefer American) spelling. There are lot's of examples of colour idioms in English and here are ten of them. All native English speakers will be familiar with these - are you?

Gerunds vs Infinitives

Average: 2.8 (63 votes)

Many students have expressed difficulties regarding whether to use the gerund form of a verb or the infinitive form. Deciding which to use is not always easy, but the more you read and listen to English, the easier it will become. Sometimes either the gerund or the infinitive form can be used, either with the same or different meanings, and sometimes there is only one form which is correct.

AWL -Academic Word List - the 'F's'

Average: 3.5 (6 votes)

Probably a non-academic word comes to mind when you see 'F' word. That one, of course, isn't on the Academic Word List. ;-) Nevertheless, there are a number of other useful 'F' words for the TOEFL or IELTS.

Which question is best?

Average: 2.8 (12 votes)

I have an Intermediate level exercise for you today. Which questions are the best match for the answers? I don't think these questions are too difficult as long as you read all the questions carefully.

Let me know how you did. Who got 10 /10? Also, tell me which questions you find confusing and myself, or another helpful user, will explain the solution. Let's help each other out as much as we can. If you can explain  another person's problem, do it!

Go team!!

Visiting Malta - Reading and Vocabulary

Average: 2.6 (10 votes)

Something a little different for you today, we have a guest writer! Today's exercise was written by my sister about her time here in Malta.

Hi! My name is Freya, I'm 20 years old and I’m at university in Essex, England.  This Summer I was lucky enough to spend 3 months in Malta; working and spending time with my family.

Culture Lesson - Learn English in Cambridge

Average: 2.8 (12 votes)

Our English school in Cambridge, EC Cambridge, is having a great year. The amount of English learners wanting to study there is at an all-time high. Students at the school this year have come from 79 different countries! That means people from all over the world are choosing Cambridge as their number one destination to learn English in. But what do you know about this English city? Let’s take a look at some Cambridge facts while practicing our English.

Have or Has

Average: 3 (489 votes)

In present tense sentences and present perfect tenses we use has with the third person singular:

Wedding Vocabulary and Reading

Average: 2.4 (16 votes)

Read the following paragraph about the wedding I went to over the weekend and pay attention to the words in blue. Do you know what they mean?