i hope that things are well
in fact i have 2 questions
1- The sunshine feels good ----- me
a) to for c) with d) into
& here my question ,,, when i can use for & when i can use too
what is the rule
2- That officer ------ his reports every morning
a) doing done c) do d) does
& here i guess that i don't know or understand the rule of choice at all
can u help me plz
P.S. i love this site
thanx in advance
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i hope that things are well
for c) with d) into
in fact i have 2 questions
1- The sunshine feels good ----- me
a) to
& here my question ,,, when i can use for & when i can use too
what is the rule
2- That officer ------ his reports every morning
done c) do d) does
a) doing
& here i guess that i don't know or understand the rule of choice at all
can u help me plz
P.S. i love this site

thanx in advance