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Using 'Pre'

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Prefix: an affix placed before a base or another prefix, as un- in unkind, un- and re- in unrewarding.

Pre-: a prefix occurring originally in loanwords from Latin, where it meant before. It can also mean prior to, in advance of, early beforehand, before, and in front of.

Here are seven examples of prefixes using pre-:

  1. Prevent (verb): "Put your name on your homework to prevent confusion."
  2. Preview (verb): "This month's magazine previews all the new movies."
  3. Prehistoric (adjective): "Painting originated in prehistoric times."
  4. Predict (verb): "It's not always possible to accurately predict the weather."
  5. Precaution (noun): "Always follow safety precautions when using heavy machinery."
  6. Precede (verb): "George W. Bush preceded Obama as the President the USA."
  7. Prenatal (adjective): "My country is very proud of its level of prenatal medical care."

Now use the numbers next to the key words and write them in the boxes next to the correct definitions below:

Link: Prefixes

Link: Learn English Noun and Adjective Endings

Link: Prefixes Using 'Re'

  • To look at or see something before something or someone else:
  • To say what will happen before it occurs:
  • To come before something else in time, order, or rank:
  • A measure taken in advance to prevent harm:
  • Happening or existing before birth:
  • To stop something from happening or someone from doing something:
  • The period of human history before there were written records of events: