How well do you know English idioms? Let's put your knowledge to this test with this exercise. Below are 10 well-known expressions, simply complete each one with the correct word:
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not my cup of tea - I don't like something very much.
water off a duck's back - not to be affected by criticism or negative remarks.
raining cats and dogs - heavy rain.
green thumbs - good gardener / good with flowers and plants.
a piece of cake - something that's easy / not difficult.
blind as a bat - very bad eyesight.
all Greek - too difficult to understand.
two left feet - bad dancer or poor balance.
cry over spilt milk - to be upset about something bad that happened in the past that can't be changed now; usually 'don't cry over spilt milk'.
water under the bridge - something, usually a bad experience, that is no longer important. It was a problem, but now it isn't.
- I don't like Jazz. It's not my cup of ___.