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How to use 'understatement'

Average: 2.9 (319 votes)

 'She's not the most intelligent person in the world!'

What is 'understatement'?

Understatement is used when a speaker wants to  a make a situation seem less strong or important than it is.

For example, think about this situation:

You have taken ten exams in school and passed them all with a score of 100%. Someone asks you:

talking about preferences - using 'prefer', 'like better' and 'would rather'

Average: 2.6 (405 votes)


'Which do you prefer tea or coffee?'

question and answer practice

Average: 2.8 (565 votes)

Answer: "Nothing. I'm fine."

Today we have a matching exercise for you to try. All you have to do is read the questions and answers and then decide which question is the best match for the answer. 

When you have finished try another exercise: Find the mistakes

Cartoon - English Joke 2

Average: 3.8 (14 votes)

"What do you mean, he rides his bike like lightning?"

"He's always hitting trees!"



Today's joke is based on the expression ...like lightning. We usually use this metaphor to mean that something happens quickly or fast. For example:

French expressions in English

Average: 2.7 (11 votes)


French phrases we use in English

The English language has taken 'loan words' and phrases from other languages which are now part and parcel of the language. Here are just a few examples of French expressions which we use in English.

Faux pas

Faux pas: An embarrassing small mistake. Usually used for social settings.

Euro 2008- Football English (part 2)

Average: 1.5 (173 votes)

Football English

'The beautiful game!'

Do you know how to talk about football in English? Take our quiz!

How to 'express limited knowledge'

Average: 1.4 (159 votes)

How to make a point when we are not 100% sure what we are talking about. Thanks to Danny for writing this article!


How to 'Express Feelings'

Average: 3.1 (25 votes)

Want to talk about it?

I’ve come to discover that, in life, for every situation that you may find yourself in, there are basically two ways to handle it - the right way... and the wrong way.

How to 'Apologise'

Average: 1.9 (169 votes)

I have come to realise that, in life, it’s the tiniest things that can drive me crazy and send me hurtling into a half-hour violent rant while the bigger things don’t really bother me all that much.

How to 'Avoid Giving a Direct Answer'

Average: 3.7 (7 votes)

Uncle Dave

It can be difficult to say 'no' to people. Here Danny tells us the polite ways to say 'no' to requests and invitations.