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What's the answer to this riddle?

Average: 3.6 (34 votes)

Read the following riddle (puzzle) and guess the answer. Click on 'Show Answer' to solve the riddle:

A big black dog stood in the middle of a black road. There were no street lights above the road. An old car with broken headlights drove towards the dog but turned in time before he hit it. How did the driver see the dog in time?

Can you answer the puzzle?

Average: 2.8 (17 votes)

Read the following riddle (puzzle) and guess the answer. Click on 'Show Answer' to solve the riddle:

What is at?:
The beginning of eternity
The end of time and space
The beginning of every end
And the end of every place

English puzzle Can you guess the missing words?

Average: 3 (26 votes)

Can you guess what the missing words are in this sentence:

"52 w___ in a y___."

Did you guess right? The correct sentence should read '52 weeks in a year'.

Can you read this?

Average: 3.7 (429 votes)

Take a look at this paragraph. Can you read what it says? All the letters have been jumbled (mixed). Only the first and last letter of ecah word is in the right place:

What is strange about this paragraph?

Average: 2.8 (38 votes)


Put the sentences in the right order

Average: 1.3 (636 votes)


 Read the following joke and decide what is the correct sentence order: