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Never Get Lost In A City Again - Upper Intermediate Level

Average: 3.5 (12 votes)

I am one of those unfortunate people who spends their first few weeks in a new city getting lost. On the plus side this means I am always discovering interesting new places; on the down side it means I always have to leave extra early before heading to my destination. I found these interesting tips on how to find your way in a city using the landmarks around you. I'm not sure how useful they will be to me but it's always good to learn something new!

Police interview: Question words

Average: 1.7 (221 votes)

How much do you remember about the 'wh' question words? This lesson shows a conversation between a police officer and a suspect of a crime. The police officer is asking the suspect a lot of questions to try and get information that will help them to solve the crime.

Read through the text and try to complete the gaps with the missing 'wh' word.

The words you will need are: what, who, when, why, which, how, where

Do you think the suspect is innocent or guilty?

At the Cinema

Average: 3.5 (22 votes)

Here's an example of a real conversation at the cinema. Read through the exchange between the two people and try to re-order the letters of the underlined words to find the correct word! Have you been to the cinema lately? It can be an excellent way to improve your English, particularly your listening skills. Good luck!

Word of the day: Mammoth

Average: 1.5 (639 votes)


To help us understand this joke, let's take a look at the two meanings of the word mammoth.

1 - A mammoth (noun): a bit like a dinosaur that was very big and looked like an elephant.

Music Video Lesson - Pixie Lott 'Gravity' and Casual English

Average: 2.8 (11 votes)

This song by Pixie Lott is a perfect example of the 'casual' spelling and pronunciation of some English words. In words ending in 'ing', people often drop the last g. For example 'singing' becomes 'singin'.

Remember: It is useful to be aware of casual or 'slang' English, but it is usually only used in informal situations.

Verb Forms Quiz

Average: 3.8 (302 votes)

Let's have a quick quiz to get your brain thinking on a Monday. I often notice on the comments left on this site that Englisg users have a good vocabulary but get confused over which form of a word is needed.

When learning a new word it's always good to learn an example sentence instead of just the single word. This way you will learn about how the word is used in context.

Choose the best word form in each case.

Happiness is Important

Average: 3.3 (14 votes)

I recently found a website which gives you tips on how to live life happily. It also contains some really interesting facts about happiness, what makes us happy and happiness across the world. Read some of these facts below and choose the correct missing words from the list shown. Then have a look through the website and see if the tips help you to make a difference in your life.

Good luck!

Lesson by Caroline Devane

Plant and Flower Idioms

Average: 1.9 (188 votes)

A few months ago we looked at some plant and flower idioms and many people found the idioms really helpful and interesting. Can you still remember how they are used? Here are some sentences to help you check your memory, as well as two new plant idioms to help you learn something new!

Good luck!

Lesson by Caroline Devane

Advanced Level Reading on Travel

Average: 3.3 (24 votes)

Superlative Debate

Average: 3.8 (50 votes)

Here's a lesson with a twist! Read through the sentences below and see if you can put the correct superlative form of the word in brackets into the gap. When you have done this, think about the meaning of each sentence and whether you agree with it. E.g. In your opinion, what is the most amazing city in the world? Do you agree with my opinions? I can't wait to hear what you think! Good luck!

By Caroline Devane