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Expressions with Look

Average: 3 (27 votes)


Look for: try to find something
Look forward to: wait with pleasure for something which is going to happen
Look after: be responsible for or take care of someone or something

Complete the sentences with these expressions:

I'm looking forward to...
I'm looking for...
I'm looking after...

Verbs and Nouns

Average: 4.2 (24 votes)

How many of these words do you know?

Do you know both the verb and noun form?

Use the words in the table to complete the ten sentences below.

Today's lesson comes from Nasreen at EC Cape Town English School

Personality Adjectives

Average: 2.3 (211 votes)

Someone who...

Elementary Level: Ever or Never

Average: 2.1 (221 votes)

Time for a review of ever and never.

Ever means 'at any time'and is used in questions.

Use ever with nothing, nobody for things that haven not happened before. "Nobody has ever seen me dance!"

Ever is also used with 'the first time' for first experiences. "This is the first time I've ever been abroad."

Use never when you have not had an experience: "I have never been to France."

Phrasal Verbs + Off

Average: 3.3 (53 votes)

Phrasal verbs are really tricky and many students tell me they are one of the most difficult things about learning English. That is why it is really important to learn them and practise them. Here are seven phrasal verbs ending in 'off'.

How many of them do you recognise? I've written the literal meaning to help you. Read through the sentences below and decide which phrasal verb is needed for each sentence. Then try to make your own sentences with at least three of the phrasal verbs listed.

Pasta and Pizza!

Average: 2.7 (18 votes)

For a long time, Indian food has been the favourite of most British people, but now, Italian food is taking over! Here's some information about the big change. What’s your favourite type of food? I do love Italian food but my absolute favourite has to be Mexican. Having said that, I could easily eat my Mum's roast dinner every day. Let us know!

Lesson by Caroline

Elementary Level: Opposite Adjectives

Average: 3.9 (7 votes)

A really great way to learn new vocabulary is to learn words in pairs, like opposites.

For example if you learn 'happy' you pair it with 'sad'.

Each sentence below has an adjective missing, the opposite to the one in brackets.

Can you complete the sentences correctly? Good luck!

Letter from Caroline - Getting Older

Average: 2.9 (17 votes)

Here's a letter from me about the positives and negatives of getting older! Read through it and then complete the gaps with the correct missing word:

Elementary Level: Adjective + Of

Average: 2.8 (43 votes)

Some adjectives are followed by a preposition. It can be confusing for English learners because there are no rules to help you remember which prepositions are used with which adjectives. The best way to learn is through practice.

The following seven adjectives are all used with the preposition of.

Example: The letter I wrote was full of mistakes.

Music Idioms

Average: 3.4 (25 votes)

The following idioms are all related to music. Which idiom do you think is being shown in the picture below?

I have chosen eight of the most common music idioms and have written them below along with their literal meaning. Now all you need to do is choose which idiom completes each sentence! Can you think of any more music idioms? Good luck!