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Time for some fashion vocabulary!

Average: 3.5 (49 votes)

We've put together a small set of common words, phrases and expressions which we think will come in handy for those who follow fashion…
For those of you who aren’t that interested, we still hope this will help you have a conversation about the subject. You never know enough vocabulary, right?

Three-word 'As' Expressions

Average: 4.5 (24 votes)

You will find the following phrases useful while speaking English, as well as writing in English.

See what we did there? That was the first example of the idiomatic expression as well as.

We have chosen four different phrases for you. Each one is easy to remember and comes with two examples:

As well as

Meaning:  in addition to something or someone else; also


Irregular Adjectives in Comparatives

Average: 3.3 (123 votes)

Regular Adjectives

Most adjectives follow one of these rules when making comparatives.

One syllable words add er:

New becomes newer

Two or more syllable words add more first:

Intelligent becomes more intelligent

Words that end in y become ier:

pretty become prettier

Words that end in er add er:

Clever becomes cleverer

Modal Verbs

Average: 3.5 (36 votes)

Modal verbs are often difficult to learn because they can be used in a variety of situations. They are used with other verbs to express ability, obligation, possibility, and permission.

Let's take a look at some uses.


Can is used with ability ("I can speak English") and possibility ("I can come too").

Spelling quiz

Average: 4 (23 votes)

Being able to spell well in English will improve your reading and writing fluency. It will also help with vocabulary and comprehension.

Spelling is especially important for the written section of IELTS, TOEFL and ESOL English exams. You will lose marks for poor spelling; it will also make it harder for you to get your point across.

Do you agree? How important is being able to spell English words to you?

Business English - Body Idioms

Average: 2.8 (18 votes)

Take a look at this email sent by a manager to his employees. Pay attention to the orange idioms which all relate to the body. Do you know what they mean?

Note: The tone of this email is informal for a business correspondence. I have used a lot more idioms than you would expect to find in an email. I would not recommend using so many in real-life!

Business Email to Staff


Business English Collocations

Average: 3.8 (22 votes)

Collocations refer to words that usually go together. For example, basic collocations are make and do:

We say, I made a mistake, not I do a mistake.

We say, I do my homework, not I make my homework.

In the News: Margaret Thatcher

Average: 3.5 (43 votes)

Margaret Thatcher, the British female prime minister, has died after a stroke aged 87.

She was elected Prime Minister in 1979 and served for 11 years until she was forced to step down by her party in 1990.

A Soviet journalist called her the "Iron Lady", a nickname that became associated with her uncompromising politics and leadership style.

What are Negative Pronouns?

Average: 3.6 (35 votes)

No one, nobody, none, nothing, neither and no are all examples of negative pronouns. Negative pronouns indicate the non-existence of people or things.

Which one we use depends on the subject of the sentence. We do not use another negative in a clause with nobody, no one or nothing. e.g "I don't do nothing."


Average: 3.3 (29 votes)

A: Hey! Have you ever seen the cartoon, The Simpsons?

B: Duh! Everyone has seen The Simpsons!

A: What does Homer Simpson say when he makes a mistake?

B: He says "d'oh"!

D'oh is an example of an interjection. Homer says d'oh when he makes a mistake or something does not happen in the way he had planned.