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20,000 users thanks to YOU!

Average: 3.1 (8 votes)

Hi English Learners,

No usual lesson today; instead, we'd like to say a big 'thank you' to you all. Why? Because you are so wonderful and - because of your support - we now have over 20,000 registered users at http://learnenglish.ecenglish.com!

Quick Tip - specially vs especially

Average: 2.8 (11 votes)

Take a look at the following sentences. Which one do you think is right?

"I got home especially late yesterday."

"I got home specially late yesterday."

'I'm not a ...' 4 useful expressions

Average: 3.1 (54 votes)

"I am not a MACHINE!!"

Culture Lesson: April Fools' Day

Average: 3 (6 votes)

April 1 is known as "April Fools' Day" in many countries although the origins of this unusual day are obscure. One theory of its origins is that during pagan times the first day of summer was celebrated on May 1and only 'fools' would get the date wrong celebrating it one month early (April 1).

Objectives and goals

Are these terms perfect synonims?


good phrases as start

I'm a student doing assignment in physics. I want to write a request from professor at another university to get some measurements from their labs . I don't know how can i start. what are the polite way to ask for this help? and how do i end the email?
i want to say that i know u r very busy ... but i think it's not good expression, is it?

please i appreciate any help i can get


Weekend Reading - Tom Thumb

Average: 3.8 (12 votes)

Read the first paragraph of the famous children's story 'Tom Thumb' and choose the correct missing word to complete each sentence:

A poor woodman sat in his cottage one night, smoking his pipe by the fireside, while his wife sat by his side spinning.

Long Time No SEE

Long Time No See has been accepted; and now can I say "No Table " with Table ( for both meanings in English and American )as a verb like See in the previous sentence? Or, again No Go as a verb when something won't happen as we expected it would.
Thanks and Please!

Could you tell me wat it means?

I and my friend talked abt a guy who cheated on his girlfriend with another girl. My friend said that she would kick his sorry ass. What did she mean with " his sorry ass"? plz help me make it clear.

Thanks a lot!

In the news: World's Cheapest Car

Average: 3.4 (9 votes)


Indian car maker Tata has just launched the world's cheapest car: the new 'Tata Nano' will cost an estimated $2000 and is being aimed at the Indian market where it's hoped that the cheap price will tempt motorcyclists to trade up to cars.