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Find the mistakes...can you?

Average: 2.9 (16 votes)

Read these ten sentences. Are they OK? Do they have any mistakes? There are some, but how many? When you think that you have found all the mistakes click on Show Answers (below) for a full explanation.

1 - I have a lot of informations to remember.

2 - She speaks English good.

3 - Have you ever drank German beer?

4 - In the summer we always go to swimming.

5 - Each of these chocolates are tasty.

Vocabulary and Pronunciation lesson

Average: 2.2 (20 votes)

In English there are a number of words that share a pronunciation but have a different meaning. For example:

"I can see the sea."

In the above sentence see and sea have different spellings and meanings, but have the same pronunciation. They are examples of homophones.

Take a look at these ten sentences. Decide which is the correct word to complete the sentence. Each of the words have the same pronunciation.

Using the prefix Post-

Average: 3.3 (68 votes)

Prefix: an placed before a base or another prefix, as un- in unkind, un- and re- in unrewarding.

Post-: a prefix meaning after or later than

Here are five examples of prefixes using post-:

Preposition Questions

Average: 3.6 (15 votes)

Prepositions: small words that cause big problems!!

Let's see how good you are with them. Read through these ten sentences and correct the correct preposition.

That's it...nothing else to say!

Link: 10 prepositions questions

about cars - tehnical detail


I'm interesting in learn more about cars. I find here only a lesson about parts of cars. it's very usefull.
Do you have more lesson about it? maybe ... technical detail. I need in my job.
Thank you.


P.S. It's possible to write wrong some words. Sorry! I'm learning ...

Danny on Computers

Average: 3.9 (18 votes)

So, way back in 250 BC, a very clever person invented the world's first ever computer. Some people believe that the name of this very clever person was Archimedes, purely because the design of this first computer very closely resembled some of his other designs...

Adjectives - Positive Character Traits

Average: 2.6 (165 votes)

The following adjectives are positive character traits essential to learning English. I have included very concise (short, brief) definitions. Please consult a dictionary for a complete understanding of each word because many of the words are very similar in meaning. These words are worth incorporating into your vocabulary, so the next time someone asks you to describe yourself; you won't have any difficulty coming up with 11 positive character traits.

5 Synonyms

Average: 3.9 (20 votes)

 A short quiz for you today. Take a look at the five sentences and choose which word has the closest meaning to the key-word.

How many of you can get all five correct?

Link: 10 Prepositions Questions

In the news: Sound of Music sends teenagers home

Average: 2.4 (9 votes)

Youth club organisers have found a new weapon to drive out teenagers who overstay their welcome - songs from the musical 'The Sound of Music' have been used to encourage youngsters to go home when youth clubs wrap up for the night.

Staff at the Hilton Community Centre were having difficulty dispersing teenagers, who were reluctant to leave when the youth club ended at 10pm on Thursdays and Fridays. Hearing the singing nun pipe up is the way they are told that the party's over.

Double Negatives

Average: 3.6 (11 votes)

Ok, so you are here to learn some English. Well, I am going to throw you a curve ball (do something unexpected).

Sometimes, we can use mathematics to help us with our English. If math is not your cup of tea (you have no interest), don't sign out yet. I promise I'll make it worth your while.